Weight: Still hanging around the 20 lb point. Not sure about height.
Health: We've all had a slight cold this month. You've had a pretty runny nose and some minor congestion. We've also had some fussy night which I can only contribute to potentially teeth. You should be working on your molars by now!
Social: You continue to be super social and engaging with others. You rarely get stranger danger. You love it with older kids "play" with you and love laughing and smiling.
Diet: You still probably get most nutrients from nursing but will eat anything we give you! In fact you demand whatever we have when you see us eating. It's very hard to sneak food past you. Your biggest love is the water bottle. You can sip out of any from your simple cup to my camelbak. You'll even try out of a disposable water bottle and a regular cup. You had your first taste of milk when you stole someone's cup. I think I'll have my first milk drinker on my hands!
Clothes: You are in 12 month clothing. We did the switch when we moved houses. I was not excited to see that you had almost no long sleeve shirts as Mara must have been in this size when it was summer. We've borrowed a few things and have sent Grandma on the hunt!!
You just moved up to the 6-12 month robbies but man your feet are tiny.
Social: You continue to be super social and engaging with others. You rarely get stranger danger. You love it with older kids "play" with you and love laughing and smiling.
You just moved up to the 6-12 month robbies but man your feet are tiny.
Mama's Favorites: I love how easy it is to get a smile out of you. You are a constant joy to us!
Crying: Really only crying when tired or hungry at this point. And only when you want something! You can be DEMANDING!
Sleep: You have officially transitioned to the one nap. Gosh my kids don't sleep long. You will now wake up around 8:30 and stay awake till about 12. Then it is down for 2-3 hours and bed by 8. You are still my best sleeper although you have your times when its hard to get you back down. I think these are pretty much timing in the sleep cycle and also influenced by your older sister.
This Month: You have continued to pull up on things and are now walking along furniture. You will only walk from right to left so that has been cute to watch. We have enjoyed watching you during this first holiday season!
Crying: Really only crying when tired or hungry at this point. And only when you want something! You can be DEMANDING!
This Month: You have continued to pull up on things and are now walking along furniture. You will only walk from right to left so that has been cute to watch. We have enjoyed watching you during this first holiday season!
Baby Likes: You love to eat. You love your sister. You love the computer and squeel everytime it is near you. You love to skype with family and get into anything your sister doesn't want you to. You love to get into buddy's food and liter. You have recently discovered the stairs and want nothing more than to climb like your sister.
Milestones: You are standing now really well and pull up on your own. You walk along furniture and are climbing into things. You clap and are saying simple words like: Mama, Dada, this, thank you.
You enjoyed your first sink bath and Thanksgiving.
Best of Times: You're happy attitude always and watching you explore.
Worst of Times: A few nights when you wouldn't go back to sleep.
Sister Diaries: Mara keeps engaging with you more and more. I see her starting to get frustrated that you can't play at her level yet but girl you sure try to!!
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