Saturday, March 26, 2016

Tot School-Grocery Store

This week our theme was grocery store!  This was the first week after my mom and aunt left.  Josh was also back in the states so I gave myself a lot of grace and we did as much as we could.

On Monday we focused on fruit.  I gave Mara a do a dot to work on while I made breakfast this morning.  This time I put letters in the circles instead of giving her a marker.  I then peeled matching letter stickers and asked her to match the letters.  She did awesome!  I wasn't able to actually make breakfast while she was doing this as she needed help but it was a win!

During Madeline's morning nap we focused on fine motor skills and more matching.  I had fruit cards set out for her and asked her to clip a clothespin on the cooresponding card.  We then found that piece of fruit in her play fruit pile and put it on it's picture in one of our Usborne books.  Seemed like a long activity but she really enjoyed it.  Later in the evening she pulled out all the pieces of this activity and repeated it on her own :)

I recently got Mara this game called Avalanche.  It's a very simple game yet still a little advanced for her.  We had fun "playing" it and practicing using tweezers to remove the fruit carefully from the stand.

This day we also did some fingerprint art in one of our favorite Usborne books, Fingerprint activities.  I love this book as there is usually one page for every theme we do!

Tuesday we bascially repeated ourselves but with vegetables!!  I gave her another do a dot letter match in the morning and at naptime we tackled the veggies.  She did this one much faster than the fruit and really seemed to get the hang of it.

The rest of our day was spent with pretend play and lots of cooking in her kitchen.

Wednesday we headed to a play group with friends and didn't get to do any totschool.

Thursday we decided to hit up the real thing and make a trip to the grocery store.  I have had so many offers to keep the girls while I shop since Josh is away but I braved it with both so we could turn this into a learning experience.  As we shopped we talked about each section and what kinds of food you would find here.  It was really fun to listen to Mara as we strolled the aisles.

Next week we will be talking all about Occupations!  We'll be mainly looking at community workers such as policemen, firefighters, and mailmen but we'll also throw in doctors and farmers!  I'm excited to put some of her toys into play here!

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