Saturday, March 19, 2016

Madeline-2 Months

Weight: I'm not exactly sure where you are on this as I haven't weighed you lately.  You are definitely going through your clothes so I'm sure you've gained.

Health: Still healthy as can be!  Everyone but you had a bought with an eye infection but thankfully you didn't get it.  You've had a little dry skin here and there but nothing to write home about.  You also seem to be doing awesome with dairy.  I have still cut out milk completely but you handle cheese and other dairy products fine!

You also got your first round of shots this month.  You got DTaP, Hib and Rotavirus.  You handled all like a champ.  We'll be doing the delayed schedule with you again like your sister.

Social: You are such a social baby all of a sudden.  You are constantly checking out your surroundings, kicking and waving your arms as you go.  My ultimate favorite time of the day with you is the morning.  You break into the largest grin when we go in to get you.  Then you are the chattiest little girl full of big grins for the next 30 minutes.  One morning your daddy and I got to just lay in bed with you and talk.

Diet: All breast milk.  All the time!

You are in 0-3 month old clothing although these seem to be kind of short on you.  I think you may have a long torso like your mama as you only came in at 50% for height at your last appointment.

Mama's Favorites: I'm loving all the smiles you give.  You wake up in such a happy mood unlike your sister.  It's a joy and I love soaking these moments in with you.

Crying: You're still awesome in this department.  You only really cry when you're hungry and tired.

Sleep: You are still great in this department.  You now go to bed around the same time your sister does.  You sleep till I wake you up to nurse around 11-12 (when I get to bed).  This ties you over till about 6 when you feed one last time and wake up for the day around 9!  Can you say Hallelujah?!

I am still swaddling you when you go down and using your white noise sheep for the first 45 minutes (it cuts off at this point).

We are also coming to a schedule with naps.  You are awake for almost 1.5 hours on the dot then start to exhibit signs of tiredness.  I then take you upstairs and swaddle you, keeping the noise machine on while I do so.  Then I lay you down.  You usually sleep for at least 1.5 hours.  Your morning naps are shorter while your after lunch nap is almost 3 hours.

You take 3 naps a day on average!

This Week: You met your grandma and Great Aunt Mary this week.  We did a lot of playing and touring the city.  We also took you to get your first round of shots.

Baby Likes: You still like to be propped up and looking around.  You are now starting to like the activity gym for short periods of time.  Instead of just laying there you are getting interested in the toys hanging down.

You love it when people talk to you including your older sister!

Milestones: You are getting more and more into a routine.  I can almost set my watch by it.  It's so nice to be able to rely on that where as your sister was always unpredictable.

You are showing the makings of starting to roll.  You try to go to both sides but don't know what to do after that.

Best of Times: The smiles :)

Worst of Times: Maybe getting your shots?  You were unhappy and your older sis was unhappy watching you get them.

Sister Diaries: She is still in love with you.  She was super upset when you got your shots and whenever you're upset.  She loves to hold your hand.

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