Mara and I got there early and started the waiting process. They never let you know exactly when they are coming home so you kind of have to come early and see. Mara thoroughly enjoyed running around the PAX shed especially running under the velvet ropes that would eventually separate the soldiers from their families.
When the announcement came that the plane was landing we were able to head outside to welcome it back onto American soil. The soldiers filed out and headed our way. It was a little surreal to watch them just walk past us not able to hug or welcome them properly.
Once inside they lined up and marched in. After some brief words from the commander they were released to their families. The tears started. Every time I watch or hear about a homecoming I cry. I can't even imagine what it will be like when it's our turn.
I'll be honest. It was hard. I was so happy to be there to welcome our soldiers home because in the end we're all a big military family. But I can't help but be a little jealous of those wives. Of those kids. I wanted my soldier to be in those lines.
Our time will come though and it will be amazing. I can't wait for that first hug...kiss. The next time I meet a plane my soldier will be on it and that thought is so comforting.