Monday, February 10, 2014

Mara-18 Weeks

Weight: You are probably still hovering around 15 lbs.  At your four month appointment you were 14 lbs 14 oz. and 23 in. long.  You were in the 80th percentile in all categories!

Health: We have finally kicked this cold's butt.  We are still doing the eucalyptus oil in the humidifier as well as an eucalyptus rub on your feet and chest before bed.  It seemed to be the turning point for you.

Your teeth don't seem to be bothering you as much as they were.  I don't know if its the amber necklace or if you've taken a break from teething.  You're still chewing on everything with a good dose of drool.

Right now I think the biggest thing is your dry skin.  Your poor face is so dry and scaly.  We got two different types of creams at the doctors and they seem to be working a bit.  I just hate seeing you scratch your face and open it up.

The jumper is still one of your favorites

Social: I love my social little girl.  You still love checking out everything and are perfectly content to sit with us for hours at a time if there is some kind of excitement around you.  People comment about how well behaved you are.  You are also great at going to other people.  You don't fuss when others steal you from mama at church or I deposit you in someone's arms so I can take off my coat.

You have been going to the nursery more and more at church and at bible study.  You friend Levi is in there too and I think you like hanging out with him.  You love checking out other kids and babies your age.

Diet: Breast milk.  We are working closer and closer to 6 months exclusively breastfed.  We have no plans on giving you cereal and will start you on fruits and veggies when you're ready.

Asleep in the wrap

Clothes: You are wearing mainly 6 month clothes although you still fit into some of your 3-6 month things.  We are squeezing you into your 3 month white onesies anytime we need something underneath an outfit.

All of your cloth diapers are now on the second snap setting.  We are still figuring out how to snap them correctly.

Mama's Favorites: I am loving your car seat toy.  Its been keeping you occupied while we are in the car.  Before you would just scream.  This gives me at least 15 minutes before we have a melt down.  I am also loving my new ring sling.  We almost never take your car seat in anymore.  The ergo is still our favorite for long holds and you have recently started napping on my back in the afternoons.

Mommy and Mara

Crying: You are still so content. You have had some fussy periods at night but otherwise are one perfectly content little girl.  

Sleep: You are sleeping in your crib!!!  After a record two days its like nothing changed.  We are so proud of you.  You are pretty far away from sleeping through the night though.  I'm lucky if you go four hours before wanting to nurse.  This is a little difficult for me as before we could just nurse and fall back asleep.  Now we sit on the end of the bed so I get a little less sleep than before.  Thankfully you will consistently sleep about 12 hours each night.

Naps are still random and usually short.  Your morning nap is normally your longest and the only one you will take in your crib.  In the afternoons you normally will take about an hour nap if I put you on my back in the Ergo.  I have started leaving all things around the house till this time and I now just wear you and get things done!

Sweet angel found her thumb

This Week: We're preparing to go on a little vacation next week so we've been doing a lot of planning.  We picked up a Pack N play for you to sleep in because I'm scared about upsetting your new sleep routine.

We also tried taking some 3 month photos (yes we're behind) but you weren't having it.  We couldn't get you to smile for anything.  I felt like I was making an utter fool of myself and still you just stared at us.

You got your first snow experience.  I don't think you knew what to make of it all.  At first you were interested and then I think you realized it was cold.  We made snow angels and daddy let you taste it.

Getting her first taste
Baby Likes: You love glasses.  You reach for all beverages and love to lick the sides of them.  I'm sure this has to do with the teething but its fun to watch you do this.  You still love your Lamaze firefly and zebra.  You don't seem to get bored of your toys and are happy with the few you have.

You love the ergo and are enjoying riding on mama's back.  You still sit a bit low but I think you like being able to see more.  As before the jumper is still your favorite thing.  You will jump and jump and jump all while squeeling and laughing.  It's seriously the cutest thing.  You are getting so big that we only have about two more inches left before its too small for you.  Wish we had a higher door jam.

Valentine's day jammies

Milestones: You are more and more vocal each day.  You reach for toys and easily grasp them.  You have also mastered bringing things to your mouth and do that more than bringing your mouth to the toy.

You continue to smile and laugh daily.  You now are in complete control of your head and can sit up without being too propped.  You still have a bit to go on this skill but you're getting there.  You tend to lean forward and use your hands for extra support.

Love this grin

Best of Times:  Seeing your personality continue to blossom.  You are such a happy girl and love giving kisses out to mama and daddy.

Worst of Times:  Transitioning you to your crib.  Although you are doing well now, the first few nights were rough on both you and us.  Each night you seem to be doing better for the most part.  You have nights of regression but that's to be expected.

So close to rolling over

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