Saturday, May 21, 2016

Weekend Fun

This past weekend we headed to Mushtaidi Park, a small amusement park near the large stadium here.  The park has a ton of rides for Mara and we really enjoy spending a few hours at it.

We headed there first thing after Maddy's morning nap.  Georgian's tend to sleep in so we like to get out and moving on the weekends to avoid crowds.  When we first arrived Mara was nervous, despite having been there before.  I wasn't too surprised as this is just her general demeanor and it takes her a bit to warm up to things.

Happy to sit in the stroller and watch!

I put 20 Lari (about $8.00 US) on our card and we were off!  The day was absolutely beautiful and the next two hours were spent hoping from ride to ride, sometimes getting off then getting right back on.  In between it all we stopped for a little ice cream and nursing break.  We rode both merry-go-round (or baby neigh's as Mara calls them), small train, large train, boats x2, the bumper cars and another car ride x3!

Maddy even got to ride one as we all jumped in a car and Mara "drove" us around the track. After our money ran out it was off to lunch.  We had noticed a small resturant in the corner of the park while on a ride and headed there.

The place was typical Georgian cuisine but with a great atmosphere.  Mara loved running around over the glass bottom floor and checking out the fish tank in the corner.  We indulged on grilled meat, salad, break, potatoes and kinkali (Georgian Dumplings).

After our bellies were full it was off to the market.  There's a large electronic and home improvement market nearby and Josh had been itching to explore.  The girls were a bit cranky due to lack of naps so the whole experience didn't start out well.  I ended up taking Mara back to the car and let Josh look around.  Everyone was happier that way!

All in all the day was great!  I love when we can have good quality family time and last weekend was just that!  I'm sure we will have many more days at this park in the future!

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