Monday, September 12, 2011

A few things missed from the ole' USA

I've been in Kenya for about 3.5 months now and although I love it here there are a few things from home I miss.  Now, much to my family's dismay I'm sure, I can't say I miss the U.S. entirely.  I claim this comes from my easy going and adaptable nature.  I pretty much go with the flow and make due with my present circumstances.  BUT given the choice here's a short list of a few things from home I really wish were here....

1. My family-As much as I know NONE of you would ever come visit, it would be nice to see you in person :)

2. My friends-Ditto

3. Not having to bargain for everything-This time last year I was really wishing I didn't have to deal with this either.

4. A little more personal room-Really I'm used to the next person in line practically breathing down my neck and even the sometimes nose cringing odor coming from an unidentifiable source next to me.  But sometimes, just sometimes, I pray no I beg for a few more inches.

5. Fall-Its September and I know the leaves are changing and the combines are headed out to the fields.  I miss these sites as I left before the corn was even knee high!

6. Variety in my food-I have definitely lost most of my picky-ness when it comes to food here but sometimes I would just kill to not order rice and beans for every meal. 

7. Listening to my Dad talk about what he's buying next on the farm-Sure this one's a little strange, but I really do enjoy just sitting with my dad at the kitchen table listening to him "talk out" his latest purchase.  I like making sense of the deal he's planning and thinking about what it means for the farm.  Most of all I just like hanging out with him.  Miss you, Dad!

8. Moving-Ditto on the strange part for this one too.  But September is a time of moves for me.  Each year for the last 6 I have moved to a new place each and every September.  So to be staying put this time seems really strange to me.  There is just something strangely appealing of getting to pull everything out again and put it away.

9. Decent internet access-Yes I have the internet and yes normally it does work, but lately every time it rains (which is EVERY night) its gone out.  This makes getting anything done off of my to do list a little more challenging.  Oh and on that note when it does go out, I'd like a little more speed in getting it back up!

10. Speed-No I don't mean as in a car or truck.  Trust me there is plenty of that here.  I mean speed in everything else.  Yes, I do enjoy the slow nature of life here but there are times where I'd rather not wait 3 hours for my meal or only be able to accomplish one thing at work a day. 

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