Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Madeline-7 Months

Weight: You are still probably around the 15 mark give or take a pound or two.  You don't seem to be getting too much longer either.

Health: Your dry cheeks continue to get better as we remember to keep lotion on them.  You have been teething a bit getting your third tooth on the bottom.  This has caused some fussiness and drool.

 Social: You are still super happy and generally content to play by yourself or near your sister.  You love to look around the room and will "talk" with anyone who wants to hold you.  We have yet to really experience any stranger danger although you do get excited when you see Mama and someone else is holding you.

Diet: Mainly breast milk still but eating more and more baby food.  You will try anything and generally love it.  We mix fruit and veggies regularly.  You probably get a jar a day split between lunch and dinner.

You reach for any food we have and fuss until we give you a taste.  You love to gnaw on bread and carrots.

Clothes: You are still in 6 month clothing and fitting well.  This really surprises me as I would have expected us to move onto 9 month things already. I'm going to go digging in our 9 month bin this week and pull all the summer things.  I'm afraid that you will hit these and then it'll be winter!

At night you are still in size 3 disposables and the middle snap on your cloth diapers. 

Mama's Favorites: You are the most content and happiest in the morning.  I love going in to get you and adore how excited you get.  Your legs start kicking and you can't control it!.  I also secretly love how you can go from crying to laughing in an instant.

Crying: Still only crying when wanting something: to eat, to sleep or bored

Sleep: You are still sleeping through the night with a dream feed somewhere around midnight.  Some days (lately) you wake at 5 wanting a feed.  On these days you typically go back to bed till 8.

We are in that transition period of 3 to 2 naps.  You are handling it well and I'm just following your lead.  Some days you have 2 some 3.

This Month:  You broke another tooth in.  You really got started on solids and we spent a lot of time recovering from all our traveling.

Baby Likes: You love when people talk to you, jumping, your sister, walks in the stroller and stealing bits of everyone's food.  You adore your daddy and will follow him around the room.  You discovered Buddy and now love it when he sits by you and lets you "pet" him.

Milestones: You broke tooth number 3.  You are sitting up consistently by yourself.  You are seriously reaching for toys and trying to move around to get them.  You talk to us and squeal sometimes just to hear your own voice.

Best of Times: Life with you is a joy!

Worst of Times: A few rough nights when we didn't get you down for bed early enough

Sister Diaries: She wants to play with you more and more.  I can't wait till you can really interact with toys and play.  She does get jealous when others are talking to you and can try to steel the attention back.  She also does not like it when you play with her toys.

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