Weight: You are a big girl! I'm not sure your exact measurements but I'd say you're likely pushing 15 pounds. No idea how long you are but I still think you have a longer torso like your mama!
Health: Nothing major to report here. You received a second round of shots at the beginning of this month and handled it well. You got the first in your pneumonia series. We go back for your second DTaP next month. You seem to be getting a small sty like the rest of the family had a month ago. We've started putting ointment on it to make sure it doesn't blow up like your sisters but it's weird that you've had this delayed reaction.
You sometimes get a red and slightly bloody crease in your neck. Gosh girl all those rolls collect Mama's milk and then it gets crusty. I feel so bad when I discover it. Maybe we don't bathe you enough?
Social: You are so social. This month you have exhibited some of the first signs of stranger danger especially when it is in the evening. You just want Mama in crowds. Otherwise you are still my happy smiley little girl!
You're such a joy in the mornings when we come to get you up. You flash the biggest smile when you hear one of our voices and then spend the next 30 minutes talking to us.
Diet: All breast milk. All the time!
You sometimes get a red and slightly bloody crease in your neck. Gosh girl all those rolls collect Mama's milk and then it gets crusty. I feel so bad when I discover it. Maybe we don't bathe you enough?
Social: You are so social. This month you have exhibited some of the first signs of stranger danger especially when it is in the evening. You just want Mama in crowds. Otherwise you are still my happy smiley little girl!
You're such a joy in the mornings when we come to get you up. You flash the biggest smile when you hear one of our voices and then spend the next 30 minutes talking to us.
Diet: All breast milk. All the time!
Clothes: You are entirely in 3 month clothing and actually almost need to transition to 3-6 month things. We are thankfully not experiencing any issues with seasonal pieces. I expect that as you grow some of your sister's things that are winter won't get used again as we head into the summer months.
Your cloth diapers are fitting well on the lowest snap setting now and with Mara out of diapers we have officially snapped all of them down! At night we still do a size 2 diaper (diapers run one size bigger here)
Mama's Favorites: I love our morning snuggles and that you are practically sleeping through the night (say what?!)!
Crying: You've started to have a fussy session at night as I prepare dinner. Lately you've been ready for bed a little after 7 as compared to your 8/8:30 hour a few weeks ago. I think we just need to accept this and get you into bed then.
You also really love it when people talk to you so when we've set you down places and haven't you get a bit fussy.
Naps are great too. You are still on the 1.5 awake schedule. Those 45 minute naps have started to consolidate into three solid ones. You go to sleep about 1.5 hours after you wake and sleep for about 1.5 hours. Then it's eat and play for another 1.5 hour before nap two. It's this constant schedule till bedtime. Since Mara never was on a schedule, I really appreciate you putting yourself on one girl ;)
This Week: This week was pretty slow as we were potty training your bigger sister. You were so patient with mommy as we spent a lot of time waiting for your sister to go. We also spent time at an indoor fun place where you hung out and slept in mama's arms.
Baby Likes: You are really content in the jumper. You also do great in the stroller and seem to really love the car. I still can't convince you that baby wearing is great but we will change this in the future I'm sure. I already can't wait to put you on my back in the ergo.
Milestones: You have moved into your jumper and are super content in it for long stretches of time. Unfortunately Mommy broke the trim trying to move it one handed so need to get that fixed. While it's broken the jumper is out of commission.
Best of Times: Sleep, sleep, sleep
Worst of Times: The fussy times before bed. It's stressful with daddy just getting home and trying to get dinner on the table.
For comparison Mara at 3 months! oh my gosh my girls are twins...
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