Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Madeline-2 Weeks

Weight: Not exactly sure about this one.  You at least weigh 8 pounds as I got on the scale minus you and then plus you the other day.  I'm not really concerned about it as I can tell you're gaining weight.  You're really filling out those newborn clothes.

Health: You are doing amazing!  We're so blessed to have a healthy and happy little girl!  You had a slightly goopy eye at birth but it cleared up before Mama's milk came in and she could put some in your eye.

You are an awesome nurser! The first few days were a bit of an adjustment period but now you're pretty much a pro.  I was so relieved to realize this because I was a little afraid you'd have a slight tongue tie like your big sister.  Mama didn't want to go through that again.  Thus far you've been handling the gas quiet well.  You've got farting down to a science and boy do they smell little one.  I know it seems silly to write about that here but we're just glad you're able to get rid of those air bubbles!  You also burp quite easily except when you want to sleep.  Then you can't be bothered.

I've pretty much gone off the dairy for you but haven't been as strict as I was before.  You seem to be handling it fine and I am so thankful.

Social: You are very aware of your surroundings like your older sister.  At night you have at least an hour of awake time and are perfectly content to hang out with us.  We just can't get over how content you are.   Second baby syndrome right?

Diet: Breast milk!  You've been a champ nurser from the beginning nursing minutes after being born and we haven't looked back!

You are in newborn but are really starting to fill them out.  It's shocking because they were so big on you only a few weeks ago.  I'm sure you'll transition to 0-3 month clothes in a week or two.
We still have you in newborn diapers and have only had one blow out.  Of course we were out and about and you quickly told mama and daddy that we weren't prepared for this.  Thankfully we had a change of clothes and a few wipes.

Mama's Favorites: I'm loving exploring all of our baby gear again.  You love the sling and my new happy baby wrap.  You also love the boncearoo Grandma got you.  It's a bouncer on steroids and I seriously love it.  It's so light and has vibration.  You sleep in it unbothered while the rest of us go about our day.

At night you're in your rock n play next to our bed and are doing great in it.  We'll likely move you to your crib a lot sooner than your sister as we don't want you to get too used to the rock n play or being in our room.

Crying:  Again you are my angel baby.  You never cry.  Even when you're hungry it's barely a whimper.  I keep waiting for you to wake up and realize that you're outside the womb little one but am thankful for your peaceful nature.

Sleep: You love your sleep!  You consistently sleep long stretches of time.  During the day you will sleep for about three hours then wake to nurse.  At night your first sleep time is four hours and then every two after that.  Last night you slept 6 and I was blown away!  So unlike your sister!

This Week: This week we got out and about in Tbilisi taking you to the amusement park and on a shopping spree.  You did awesome sleeping in your car seat and sling.

Baby Likes: You love to look around, hang out with Mama/Daddy and check out your big sister.  You do great in the bouncearoo and thus far love the car.  We are slowly adjusting to the sling.  Most of the time you love it but sometimes get angry if you're too snug in it.

Milestones: No major milestones yet but sleeping longer stretches and rolling to your side when you're put down.  You have pretty good head control and had your first blow out.

Best of Times: Just trying to soak in your newborn-ness.  We also love watching your sister love on you.  She is smitten and it shows always wanting to hold you and talk to you.

Worst of Times: There's not really much to put here.  Today you were hungry and angry that you weren't getting fed.  You cried the whole way home from the store.  It broke my heart but we made it.
Sister Diaries:  Your older sister adores you.  She constantly asks to hold you and will come up to you when you're sleeping to hold your hand.  She calls you sissy and has tried to say Maddie a few times.  She will give you kisses at bedtime and has been nothing but gentle.  Lately she has taken it upon herself to be your designated diaper throw awayer.  She takes all your diapers to the trash proudly!

Monday, January 11, 2016

Madeline-A Birth Story

I love a good birth story and Madeline's is one I never want to forget...

The day after my due date we had invited our pastor and his family over to our home for dinner.  Thus far I hadn't had any signs of labor (similar to Mara) and was just hoping to go into labor sooner rather than later.  We enjoyed a great night of fellowship while the kids played.  They joked they may have to take me to the hospital but all was silent up in there till right after they left.  I started cleaning up and began to notice contractions.  There wasn't any rhyme or rhythm to them so I didn't think much of it.  They also seemed to stop all together if I sat down so I figured this was nothing.

We went to bed thinking tomorrow may be the day but not positive.  It was starting to closely resemble Mara's birth so I figured I had at least another day if this was the real deal.  Throughout the night the contractions kept coming but again weren't anything to get too excited about.  I wasn't timing them but they probably came every 15-20 minutes and were just painful enough to wake me up but not strong enough to really have to focus through.

By 5 am this started to change.  The contractions got closer together and about every other one was pretty painful.  Even though I continued to lay in bed I had to really focus on breathing and relaxing to get through them.  I woke Josh up and we started to time them: about 6 minutes apart and lasting for a solid 90 seconds.

Everything was still pretty manageable so I started texting our doula from Mara's birth, Doris Ann, back in the states.  We love her and just having her reassurance via text was comforting.  She told me to get up and start squatting.  Also to go in if my water broke as I was likely to go quick...little did I know how quick.

Almost as soon as I got on my feet the contractions started coming quicker.  I got in the shower and yelled out to Josh when I was having one.  By the time I was finished they were 3 minutes apart and we knew we had to get moving.  Josh jumped in the shower and I tried to gather everything we needed in between the pain.

By now it was a little after 8 and I knew we had to get to the hospital.  There was no long labor with this one.  Josh ran around loading the car, waking up his parents, and grabbing Mara when she stirred.  I remember just trying to focus on controlling the pain.  The contractions were on top of each other.  I was still squatting with each one as it was the easiest way to deal with the pain.  I also took to moaning which is something I don't remember with Mara.  I could really tell how much the moaning helped if I kept it low.  The second I started moaning at a higher pitch it wasn't much help.

When we finally left for the hospital I knew I had to be in transition.  I was on all fours with each contraction and felt a tad pushy.  It was a rainy morning and thankfully traffic was light.  Josh got us to the hospital at 8:30 and I made my way up the stairs.

Midway up I stopped and breathed through a contraction.  The locals just stared.  Most Georgian ladies don't have natural births yet alone come into the hospital this late in the game.  I was immediately ushered into triage where approximately five nurses swarmed me trying to get my BP, draw blood and who knows what else.

It took them all of five minutes to see that there wasn't time for this and tried to get me on a gurney.  I wasn't having it.  I told them no way and started booking it for the elevator at the end of the hall way. I knew there was no way I could sit yet alone lay at this point.

After we got upstairs we made our way to the birthing suite.  Apparently we would have gotten the VIP room had they known who we were but we ended up in the post soviet looking room where they insisted I get on top of the examining bed and into stirrups asap.

At this point things were happening really fast.  There were a lot of nurses coming in and out.  Some trying to attend to me and others requesting things from Josh.  During my examination they made him leave and the second it was over I demanded he come back.  They had made him suit up but quickly recognized that I wanted him in the room.  I was 9 cm.

Next thing I knew my water broke (8:45 am) and I immediately pushed with that contraction.  This really had them going as they basically threw me up on the table at this point.  I had one nurse on each leg and each shoulder basically holding me on the bed.  My doctor still wasn't there and they wanted to wait for her.
My body had other plans.  With the next contraction I pushed again.  In broken English they yelled, "NO PUSH!"  I yelled back, "PUSHING!"  The first push had her crowning and the nurses trying to push her back in.   With the second push her head was out and with the third she was born.  (8:53 am)

She came out so quietly we were both a little worried but she was fine.  They put her on my chest and within a minute she was nursing.  At this point my doctor walked in with a surprised look on her face.  She was able to deliver the placenta and tend to me (I had a minor tear).

From there we were wheeled into the VIP delivery room and allowed to recover for a few hours before moving to our permanent room where we stayed for about a day and a half before heading home.

Overall it was a bit of a stressful birth.  Madeline came a lot faster than either of us ever expected and because of that we weren't at the hospital long before she came (a whoopin 23 minutes).  There also wasn't anyone present that spoke good English.  Our doctor was supposed to be our main translator and she never made it.  We had the nurses yelling in Russian and Georgian and us yelling back in English.  BUT in the end we're both healthy and doing well.  I am so thankful that we were able to have her here and didn't have to travel.  And heck we'll always have a story to tell her!

Sunday, January 10, 2016



 Miss Madeline Ann Bast

Born Wednesday, January 6
8:53 am
7 pounds 6 ounces
19.5 inches

Tbillisi, The Republic of Georgia

Sunday, January 3, 2016

39 Weeks with Baby #2

Really hoping this is going to be the last weekly post I make.  Mara came at 40 weeks 0 days so if this baby decides to do the same that is next Monday!!  I'm still hoping for a December baby but realize that dream is a little far fetched at this point.  I also want to avoid New Years eve and day here so that kind of limits that plan. lol

We're pretty much set otherwise.  We got our papers translated.  Hopefully they don't have to be officially translated as they originally claimed.  I worry that they won't take our translation serious despite me asking if it had to be notarized.  We also have all of our official documents so Josh can be on the birth certificate.  :)

I still need to get my blood work done.  I've been putting it off this week mainly because I have just been feeling lazy.  I understand that it's somewhat important but don't feel the urgent need to go get it done.  I think this is because I don't have any scheduled appointments with my doctor anymore.  So in my head it's like well what is she going to do about my results once I'm in labor.  We'll likely go get it done tomorrow while Mom is getting her hair cut.  

If you could just cover us in prayer the next week or so:

Prayers for a safe and healthy delivery for mama and baby
Prayers for a healthy baby girl
Prayers for Mara as she adjusts to being a big sister
Prayers for us as we navigate a health care system in a country where we don't know the language
Prayers for me that I have patience and understanding if my birth doesn't go the exact way I have planned
Prayers for traffic and the day in which I go into labor

For comparison Mara at 39 weeks!

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