Thursday, June 25, 2015

I Am Thankful

Life has been incredibly busy as of late. We are getting ready to leave North Carolina and head north.  Josh just had minor surgery and Mara's sleep schedule has been unpredictable as of late.  Needless to say I'm kind of stressed and tired.  Most of the time I want to throw my hands up and maybe even shed a tear or two.

But I am thankful for those small moments that remind me that life is so sweet.  That I am so blessed.

I am thankful to be sitting on the couch listening to my husband and Mara sing songs to each other.

I am thankful to be enjoying more cuddles from Mara as we are slowly weening.

I am thankful for the late night tickle sessions and giggles from Mara.

I am thankful for reassuring words from Josh, understanding and grace.

I am thankful for sweet friends who listen to me rant about silly things.

I am thankful for this family He has blessed me with.  With them I can do anything.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Weekend Re-Cap

This past weekend we were finally able to let our hair down and relax a bit.  The last few weeks we have been crazy busy with our move and Josh's change of command.  Now that all of that is over we can finally breathe a bit and enjoy our last few weeks here in North Carolina.

Saturday morning we got out of the house with a few places in mind.  We really wanted to visit a local farm to show Mara some farm animals.  She is obsessed with animals and is always making their sounds and reading books about them.  This small farm had a horse, goats, chickens, rabbits, roosters, geese and even a few cows.

She was so excited to see each animal and quick to make the corresponding noise.  She chased after the geese and let the goats lick her hands.  She was even enthralled by the squirrels.  Overall it was a great experience and the homemade ice cream that paid our admission was totally worth it.

After the farm we went to a local Indian restaurant for lunch and then headed back to the house so Mara could get her nap.

The fun didn't stop there!  Once Mara woke up we headed to an indoor playground to let Mara run around.  It's been hovering over 100 degrees here so we needed something to beat the heat.  It took Mara a bit to warm up but soon she was running up the obstacles and down the slides.

For dinner we splurged again and headed to a Mexican place.  It had been awhile since we had had good Mexican so it was long overdue.

Sunday morning was spent at church.  The afternoon was somewhat slow as Mara woke up from her nap and we grabbed lunch.  With it still toasty outside we grabbed some bowls of water and let her play on the porch.  This is quickly becoming a favorite activity around here.

After the water bowls got old we headed to the community pool for some swimming.  Dinner turned out to be ice cream at a local froyo place and we spent the rest of the evening relaxing.

It was so refreshing to have a weekend to ourselves.  We really took advantage of it and filled every minute with fun family activities.


Looking at the chickens

More chickens

She was obsessed

The goats were pretty interested in her

chasing the geese into the water

wanting them to come out

I love how she was up on her tippy toes

Letting the goats lick her hands

Picking flowers

my beautiful girl

The homemade ice cream machine

mouth open. ready for ice cream!

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Change of Command

On June 11 Josh relinquished command of the 172nd Preventive Medicine Detachment at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.  It was a long two years filled with both personal and professional growth.  It was such an honor to walk by his side during this experience and be a part of the unit, in my own way.  This day was both sweet and sad, as it is time for us to move on yet we hate to leave our Sidewinder and 261st families behind.

Congratulations Josh on a successful command!!

Mara before the ceremony

Mara decided to read a book during Daddy's speech

The new commander

The new commander and the 172nd

Josh gives his farewell speech

Preparing for the ceremony

The 261st MMB commander

Passing the guidon to the new commander

Josh passing the guidon for the last time

The 172nd PM Det

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Another Move

Yep we're still in North Carolina.  We haven't left yet!  This last month here we have moved out of our 3-bedroom house and into a small 1-bedroom apartment on the other side of town.

Without going into much detail, our lease wasn't extended so we had to scramble a little bit to get all of our goods packed up, picked up and moved into our new place.

With a little help from up above, we were able to arrange for our three moves in a very short time.  Moving overseas we had a long term storage move which was mainly our large furniture (our house in Georgia is furnished) and any other items we wouldn't need for the next few years.  We also have an unaccompanied baggage shipment which was everything we would like to have immediately when we get there.  The last move was everything else, all of our household goods that we will need on a day to day basis there.

It was a long four days but the movers got it all packed and taken away.  Hopefully it all makes it in one piece.  It was a little difficult to sort everything out and there were definitely things that didn't make it into the right piles.

Now were finally settled in our new place and just trying to enjoy this last month in N.C. Surprisingly the one bedroom is working out pretty nicely.  Mara is sleeping in the closet but seems to understand that that's "her room".  Yes we'd like a little more room but it's working and doable for the next month.

The time is flying.  This week we have Josh's change of command and then he starts out processing at base.  Before we know it we will be headed up north to visit family and then flying overseas!  Although I am not wishing us gone it will be nice to finally be truly settled again.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Park Fun

We finally had a weekend to relax and enjoy some much needed family time.  After Mara's recital we headed out to eat and then decided to hit up a local park.  It was so hot but Mara loved exploring the playground with Grandma on her heels.  The swing was also a huge hit as she refused to get out.

She was a little leery of the slide as always but we managed to convince her to go down a few times and she even went down the large slide with Josh.

smelly feet.

Overall it was a great weekend full of family and relaxation!

Monday, June 8, 2015

Mara's First Ballet Recital

Mara has been in ballet since January.  I originally thought ballet for a one year old was kind of crazy but the class was free (with deployment money).

I am happy to report I was so wrong.  I think Mara gained so much from this class.  She thrived on the routine of the class and by the end of it was doing the start of some very basic technique.

As with any ballet class there was a recital and early on we decided to let Mara participate.  There wasn't really a routine and I had to be up there with her but it was super cute.

Overall she did great for her age.  She didn't fuss on stage.  She didn't run off.  She stood by me the entire time and did most of what I asked her (blew kisses, spun, waved, etc.)

The pictures really tell the story best so here they are!

There's dada!

blowing kisses

more kisses

grandma came to watch

with her first dance award
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