Weight: At your doctor's visit you were 18.25 pounds (34%) and 27 inches long (28%). You're tiny compared to your sister who was regularly in the 75% categories.
Your head is 44 centimeteres and you are in size 3 diapers. We have completely unsnapped your cloth diapers in some cases.
Health: You've had a minor cold this month but we are just treating with the Nosefrida and euculiptis on your feet.
Social: You are still very social although are starting to get a bit fussy if taken away from mommy. You smile regularly and want to be involved in everything were doing. You love your sister and follow her around.
Diet: You are still mainly nursing will eat at dinner and throughout the day. You get very angry with us if we don't share what we are eating with you. You have started protesting baby food and now want to knaw on all things table food. For the most part we let you as you have 7 teeth!
This month you tried chicken, broccoli, cauilflower, etc. Thus far we really haven't found a food you don't like!
Clothes: You are mainly in 9 month things although there are some items in there that are 9-12 month. You still have some give in them and I expect you to stay there for at least another month.
You are on the middle snap for your cloth diapers and size 3 (here in Georgia) disposables at night.
Your head is 44 centimeteres and you are in size 3 diapers. We have completely unsnapped your cloth diapers in some cases.
Social: You are still very social although are starting to get a bit fussy if taken away from mommy. You smile regularly and want to be involved in everything were doing. You love your sister and follow her around.
This month you tried chicken, broccoli, cauilflower, etc. Thus far we really haven't found a food you don't like!
Clothes: You are mainly in 9 month things although there are some items in there that are 9-12 month. You still have some give in them and I expect you to stay there for at least another month.
You are on the middle snap for your cloth diapers and size 3 (here in Georgia) disposables at night.
Crying: Really only crying when tired or hungry at this point.
Sleep: You have fully transitioned to 2 naps a day and they usually last 2-3 hours each. You are staying up longer and longer. In the morning you stay awake for at least 3 hours before its back to bed for your morning nap.
At night you stay up till about 8 give or take and sleep most of the night. With teething this week you woke up more than you usually do. Last night you didn't wake at all but one wake to feed is pretty normal for you.
This Month: You started crawling and are breaking in more teeth. You got a visit from Grandma and Aunt Mary too!
Baby Likes: You love to eat. You love your sister. You love the computer and squeel everytime it is near you. You love to skype with family and get into anything your sister doesn't want you to. Buddy's bowl is super interesting as well as the magnets on the fridge.
Milestones: You broke tooth 6 & 7 this month.. 8 is close behind too! You started crawling. You finally did it one day after we put the computer away from you. Both my girls crawled to the computer first. LOL You went from barely crawling to moving super fast in about two days. You pull up and get into everything. You say basic sounds like: da da (dad), Meh Meh (mom), go go.
Best of Times: You're happy attitude always and watching you explore
Worst of Times: A few rough nights when you were breaking in teeth.
Sister Diaries: Mara is finally realizing that you are mobile and this means her toys have to be up if she wants to keep them away from you. We find toys in the strangest places. She still asks us to move her if she is into something Mara doesn't want touched. Only problem is Maddy goes right back.
Baby Likes: You love to eat. You love your sister. You love the computer and squeel everytime it is near you. You love to skype with family and get into anything your sister doesn't want you to. Buddy's bowl is super interesting as well as the magnets on the fridge.
Milestones: You broke tooth 6 & 7 this month.. 8 is close behind too! You started crawling. You finally did it one day after we put the computer away from you. Both my girls crawled to the computer first. LOL You went from barely crawling to moving super fast in about two days. You pull up and get into everything. You say basic sounds like: da da (dad), Meh Meh (mom), go go.
Best of Times: You're happy attitude always and watching you explore
Worst of Times: A few rough nights when you were breaking in teeth.
Sister Diaries: Mara is finally realizing that you are mobile and this means her toys have to be up if she wants to keep them away from you. We find toys in the strangest places. She still asks us to move her if she is into something Mara doesn't want touched. Only problem is Maddy goes right back.