Weight: Not really sure on this one as we haven't weighed you or been at the doctor for awhile. You are probably between 15-20 lbs. I have definitely noticed that you are getting chunkier!
Health: You're healthy as can be minus some minor teething issues this month. You got in both top teeth so were up more than normal in the night when they broke through.
Social: You are still really content to be around whoever is paying you attention. You love to play on your own or with your sister. You love to play with Buddy too. I am seeing some Mama love though. You will go to others but if you see Mama you want to go back. You don't fuss just obviously lean toward me.
Diet: You are still mainly nursing although eat a TON at dinner. You usually go through at least a jar if not more. You aren't picky so I usually try to mix a jar of veggies with a fruit and give it to you that way. You can be really demanding when it comes to eating. You must have your food now and fast. We feel like we shovel it in till you're satisfied then can move onto our own dinners.
You still want any food others are eating and get really upset until you are given it. You love to gnaw on bread, carrots, plums, etc. You are also doing really well with puffs. They don't have much nutritional value but they are great for learning that pincer grasp which you are mastering!
Clothes: We put all your 6 month things away and pulled out the 9 month. You were just getting too long in the the pjs and pants to stay in them much longer. That was ok because there was a lot of summer things in the 9 month pile that I wanted you to get into before the seasons change here. Like before we seem to be slightly off with seasons from Mara but it hasn't been too bad. I rarely have to purchase anything for you.
You are on the middle snap for your cloth diapers and size 3 (here in Georgia) disposables at night.
Her happy face |
Coming to get us |
You still want any food others are eating and get really upset until you are given it. You love to gnaw on bread, carrots, plums, etc. You are also doing really well with puffs. They don't have much nutritional value but they are great for learning that pincer grasp which you are mastering!
Getting in on the preschool activities |
You are on the middle snap for your cloth diapers and size 3 (here in Georgia) disposables at night.
With her daddy |
Mama's Favorites: I love how excited you get about EVERYTHING. You kick your legs and scrunch up your shoulders. You also have the most adorable facial expression and bury your head into whomever is holding you's shoulder.
Crying: Really only crying when tired or hungry at this point.
Sleep: You have fully transitioned to 2 naps a day and they usually last 2-3 hours each. You are still my rock star sleeper at night going down for bed by 8 and sleeping till about 8 in the morning. I STILL sneak in to dream feed you before I go to bed.
You sleep so well that I find myself getting cranky if you wake up an extra time that I'm not used to. I try to remind myself that Mara was terrible in this department and I should just feel blessed you are a sleeper.
This Month: You broke in two more teeth on the top. You've been moving around more too.
Baby Likes: You love to eat. You love your sister and stop what you are doing whenever you see her or hear her. You love talking to people on skype and go crazy trying to get the computer. You love to jump in your jumper. You love your daddy but are a mommy's girl when upset.
Milestones: You broke tooth number 4 & 4. You are sitting up by yourself and rarely falling over. You are so close to crawling moving from a sitting position to on your needs. You rock on your hands and knees and scoot back when on your belly.
Best of Times: We just love you little girl! I think your Daddy really loves getting you in the morning because you are all smiles.
Worst of Times: A few rough nights when you were breaking in teeth.
Sister Diaries: She still doesn't like you playing with her toys although they are the only toys you want at this point...so it starts right?! She wants you to be right by her where ever she is so that makes the above statement even harder. She comes in to see you when you are waking up and hurries to get us when you are upset. She does have her random times when she is unkind and not sharing but we are working on it!
These were all so cute I had to include them ALL |
Milestones: You broke tooth number 4 & 4. You are sitting up by yourself and rarely falling over. You are so close to crawling moving from a sitting position to on your needs. You rock on your hands and knees and scoot back when on your belly.
Best of Times: We just love you little girl! I think your Daddy really loves getting you in the morning because you are all smiles.
Sister Diaries: She still doesn't like you playing with her toys although they are the only toys you want at this point...so it starts right?! She wants you to be right by her where ever she is so that makes the above statement even harder. She comes in to see you when you are waking up and hurries to get us when you are upset. She does have her random times when she is unkind and not sharing but we are working on it!