Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Mara-23 Months

Wears: For the most part you are strictly in 24/2T clothing.  You do still have some 18 month things in your drawers but you can tell they are getting too small for you.  You are right on the bubble between size 6 and 7 shoes.  I expected you to already be in size 7 so we may have some issues with some size 7 sandals that you won't get to wear because you'll hit 7 during the winter!

You are still in cloth diapers during the day and a size 4 disposable at night.

Health:  Overall you were great this month.  You did have some slight changes in your bowl movements with the adjustments to the food here.  That's to be expected and it didn't slow you down any.

Says:  This month you added more words to your vocabulary.  You clearly say go, up, down, row row (your word for the song and a boat), and pizza.  You still seem to have your own language and rattle on in it constantly.  You love to sing what we call the family song where you go through everyone by name, Daddy, Mommy, Me (Mara), buddy and baby.  You also on occasion will sing a special song about one of us in particular.

My favorite thing is you say, "Oh" after almost everything we say to you and if what we've said is of somewhat importance you say, "wow." Makes us feel pretty important. ;)

Favorite Foods:  You are still a pretty good eater.  Your favorites this month are bananas, applesauce, goldfish crackers, fruit snacks, grilled cheese, noodles, rice and green beans.

We have cut back to almost no nursing at the end of this month.  You never ask for it during the day, even at naps.  Toward the end of the month there were some nights you didn't ask at all so I ran with it.  This is super recent and the longest we've gone without nursing has been two days.  You have asked at night both times but I tell you no gently and suggest cuddles instead.  You seem satisfied with this.

Sleep: Sleep has turned around for you once we got you in the twin bed.  We pushed it against the wall and added a rail on the one side.  You're doing beautifully.  You have even started sleeping through the night for the most part.  When you do wake up, I send in Daddy despite your pleas for Mom.  I find that if I go in then I have a hard time falling back asleep and then you get in a habit of waking up in the middle of the night.

Your bedtime routine is pretty solid.  We pick up toys, Daddy reads a few books, you give him hugs and kisses and then I cuddle with you till you fall asleep.  I'm hoping after we're done weaning to slowly get you to fall asleep on your own.  With the new baby on it's way, it's likely I'll be occupied at your bedtime with the newborn.

Best Moment:  My favorite moments this month are the little ones.  You surprise us with hugs and kisses each day when we are least expecting it.  And you can't just do mom or dad, both of us get you wrapped around our leg for a huge squeeze.

Milestones: You are a climber.  You go up and down the swing set at the playground.

You have started to really enjoy pretend play.  You feed your babies and cook in the kitchen.

You have officially hit the "2's".  Your tantrums are epic and we are working on not fussing and using our words.

You love jumping and are getting pretty coordinated with landing on both feet.

You make funny faces to get others to laugh.

You've done great with the new house and location.

You ask to pray before each meal and will hold our hands till the prayer is over.

Loves To:  You love to be outside and play at the playground.

You love to ride escalators and elevators.

You to wear Mommy's necklaces.

You love animals.  You always point out everyone you see.

You love Minnie Mouse.

Favorite Toys: slides, swings, fischer price farm set, books, bath toys, wool dryer balls, Mom's necklaces

Dislikes: covers, being told no, things not happening immediately

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