Monday, January 20, 2014

Under 4 Month Baby Favorites...and a Few Mama Must Haves

I can't believe how fast four months has flown by.  I feel like I was just compiling my list of newborn must haves.  That being said, I know that as a pregnant mama to be I was reading a ton of blogs and reviews to find the best products out there for US.  Each family is different and so are their needs. These are a few of our favorite things that I'm not sure we would have survived the last few months without...

1. Ergo 
Mara hates being in her carseat which translates to hating being snapped in her stroller in her carseat.  (I think this will change once she's able to sit in her stroller without the car seat).  In the Ergo she can look around her and take in her environment.  She also loves to be close to me whenever possible so she is always game for being in her carrier.  The Ergo is also pretty standard so it can fit both Josh and I which is especially nice if one of us needs a break.  To top it off we scored a pretty petunia pickle bottom organic cotton version so its a beautiful print!

2.  Skip Hop Play Gym
Mara loves this thing.  At first I didn't realize what the play gym was all about.  I mean sure she would look at the toys but overall wasn't too interested.  Now, whole other ballpark.  She reaches and grabs for the toys.  Gets super frustrated if she can't get them in her mouth.  And for the most part knows which ones make the best noise.  Her favorites are the owl and the bird because they rattle.  The bird with the wooden loop next on her list as she constantly tries to get it in her mouth.

3. Lamaze Firefly.  
We received this as a gift and frankly I thought it was just a bit busy for her to like it.  Wrong!  This is one of her favorite toys.  She loves to look at the patterns and grabs at its wings to hear the crinkly sound.  With her teething she is also trying to get the rings in her mouth.

4. Oball Rattle
This rattle was one of the first toys she reached for and held onto.  It has circle cut outs that make it easy for young infants to grab.  Mara quickly learned that if she moved her arm it would make noise.  Now she's not too interested in the rattle part but just wants to figure out how she can get the entire thing in her mouth!

5. Graco Bumper Jumper
This jumper is the best $8 I have ever spent!  I bought it at a consignment sale.  A new version was on my registry but after seeing this deal I snatched it up.  Mara goes to town in this thing.  She loves jumping and spinning around while we are working in the kitchen or the laundry room.  I can put her in this and she will jump for a good 20 minutes.

6. Board Books
We have a ton of books and plan on making reading a constant part of our day.  She has just gotten into looking at the pages and frankly is just at the age where she will sit still for a short amount of time to read a book.  I like the board books because she can grab them easily and they are pretty indestructible.

Now most mommies know that all these items are really for you.  How you get things done around the house.  How you keep them entertained and contained!  But here are a few of my favorite things that were truly for me!

1. Nursing Cover
I could really careless if people saw me nursing but I understand that for others its embarrassing so I cover up.  I have no qualms about nursing wherever if I have this with me.

2. Ergo
The Ergo is for Mommy too!  On fussy days I need this carrier so I can get life done.  I take it to the grocery store and wear it around the house.

3. Boppy
Every nursing mother's must have!  Nursing is like a full time job at first and without this pillow I wouldn't have made it.  Its really important to be comfy and well supported when you are working on that latch!

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