Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Mara-4 Months

Weight: I'm not completely sure.  I think you're probably still around 15 lbs.  You do seem to be getting longer though!

Health: Oh you poor girl!  Not only are you still teething but you have a small cold on top of it.  You are completely congested which has made feeding really hard.  You will feed for a few seconds and pull off to breathe.  It breaks mama's heart.  We are using saline and your Nosefrida to get all that snot out!  Last night we slept with eucalyptus oil in the humidifier and you seem a little better today.  Hopefully another night or two with it will clear things up.

Your teeth are still killing you.  You have been running a mild fever at night and are super fussy.  I can't even imagine the pain you are in.  We have the amber necklace on you and are doing Hyland's teething tablets during the day.  We have also found this pumpkin butt oil that we have been rubbing on your gums.  It has given you the most relief as far as we can tell.

Social: You are still super social and checking out your world.  You still love to flash that grin at Mommy and Daddy but now easily give it out to strangers.  We have recently been going to events where there are other babies.  You LOVE watching others and interacting with them.

At our infant massage class you made friends with a little boy and held hands with him for most of the session.  He even was nice enough to share his chew toy with you (although mama quickly declined and got you one of your own)!

Next week we are going to start going to an 1 and under play group on post and I'm excited to see how you react to all the little kids.  We were going to go today but health wise we both weren't up to it.

Diet: Breast milk! People are starting to ask me when we are going to start her on cereal and honestly I'm not sure we are.  I mean is this really necessary?  She shows absolutely no interest in anything in her mouth food wise besides mama.

Clothes:  You are getting those last wears out of a few 3 month items but for the most part we have packed that all away.  3 to 6 month clothing fits you well but you are also in all of your 6 month sleepers.  You have short legs so we are thankfully still in your 3-6 month and 3 month pants.

Your cloth diapers' fits are constantly changing.  We have made some larger while others we seem to have to snap smaller.  I can't figure it out...
Out for a stroll

Mama's Favorites: This week I got a ring sling and love it.  We took it to the grocery store today and you did great.  You passed out almost immediately and when you did wake up were perfectly content to hang out.

Crying: The teething has brought its fair share of tears this week, especially at night.  It just breaks our heart.  Last night you screamed.  Like ear ringing screaming for about a half an hour until you passed out.  Hopefully we see those little teeth soon and we can move on from this stage (for now). 

Sleep: So transitioning you to your crib didn't happen...The teething kicked into full gear and honestly we just didn't have the heart.  We will get you in your own crib after things calm down a bit.

Otherwise you are doing pretty good in this department.  You are still waking up a bit to feed lately but I think that's mainly because you were so congested during the day and weren't able to fill up.  You will sleep for about 10 hours at a time no matter when you go to bed so this helps mama a lot.

Look at her trying to sit up on her own

This Week: Daddy got back from the field and we used every minute to hang out together as a family.  We went to Southern Pines to explore a bit, hung out around the house, went to church, ran a few errands and had lunch with friends.

Baby Likes: Oh girl how you love to jump.  I know I keep saying this but you do not grow tired of this toy.  You also love getting your diaper changed and usually take this time to have serious conversations with either mama or daddy.  Lately you have also been giving the biggest open mouthed kisses.  You giggle and laugh when we kiss your cheek and respond by opening your mouth wide and planting one on us.  Its adorable!

Milestones: You are so close to rolling from your back to tummy.  The other day you had your bottom half over but couldn't figure out how to get your shoulders past that arm.  You are still talking up a storm and go on and on especially at night

Toys really interest you now a days.  You reach for them and move them around with purpose.  You get so frustrated in your play gym when you grab a toy and can't bring it to your mouth because its dangling from the gym.  You are no longer satisfied with batting them around.

Best of Times: Any smile we get out of you these days.  You have been so fussy that we are soaking in those smiles and laughs.  It was also great to see your reaction to your daddy when he got home.  You are such a daddy's girl and light up when you see his face.  You reach for him and love being in his arms.

Worst of Times: Teething!!  Yep enough said...

Love that she fell asleep with her hand on her toy
*I know I know.  Photo fail for this week.  I need to take more pictures.  I blame it on the teeth.

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