Monday, January 13, 2014

Mara-14 Weeks

Weight: You clocked in at 14 lbs 11 oz. at the doctors the other day.  You were also 22 in. long.

Cheering on Clemson for the last time

Health: You are dealing with all things teething at this point.  You are drooling, chewing on everything you can get in your mouth, tugging on your ear and are even a bit stuffed up.  I'm not too concerned about the last two symptoms as I have read they are common when in this stage.

We have gotten you an amber necklace a few days ago and I can already see a decrease in the amount of drool.  I think time will tell whether it has a large impact.  I have also ordered some teething tablets that should come in the mail any day now.

Loving your jumper

Social: You are so vocal these days.  You just go on and on especially at night. You want to make sure everyone knows what you are thinking.

You are constantly moving and checking things out.  Whether its observing people around you or playing with your toys.  You love to be active.  You no longer fuss when others hold you but you still look around to make sure Mommy and Daddy are near.

Diet: You are still breastfeeding exclusively and have no interest in a bottle.  This is probably Mama's fault as I do not try to get you to take one.  

Clothes:  You are growing out of your 3 month clothes and we have definitely put away all of your 0 to 3 month things.  I have a feeling you will so be in your 6 month things.  I am hoping you will stay in your 6 month things till I can get to the consignment sale at the beginning of March!

We have officially made some of your diapers bigger.  All of your bum genius now no longer fit on the smallest setting.  Your other brands still fit on the smallest setting.

Found a new way to keep her occupied in the car seat

Mama's Favorites: These past few weeks I have loved your play gym, jumper and ergo.  All have kept you entertained and contained so I can get things done around the house.  You love playing in your jumper and gym.  The ergo just keeps you near mama and elevates you so you can check things out.

Rocking one of my outfits

Crying: You have been a bit more fussy the last week or so.  I don't know if it is the teething or if I ate something that's bothering you.  We're getting through it.

She outranks everyone

Sleep: So I've heard about the four month sleep regression and I've think you've hit it.  As soon as we got back from traveling you have refused to sleep alone in your rock n play.  You do not sleep unless you are next to us and not only next to us but curled into our arm pits.  You insist on having your hand there which makes for a rough night for mama who is ticklish.

You sleep for long stretches still but its hard for mama to tell because I am always waking up making sure I have not rolled on top of you or because you are hitting me.  You like to nurse laying down now to fall asleep (which is not good for your gas) but have started to suck on your thumb during the middle of the night to fall back asleep.  This usually happens a few hours after you eat so I know you're not hungry and don't feel bad for letting you continue to suck.

This week while Daddy is away we're going to try to transition you to your crib.  You are already sleeping pretty well in here for naps so I'm going to bring it into our room for night.  I know its going to be rough but I think everyone is ready for it.  I'll miss having you close but I know its time for our family for you to move out of our bed.

Last night (hopefully) in mommy and daddy's bed

This Week: Daddy is going to the field this week so its just us girls.  We are going to miss him so much!  You are becoming a Daddy's girl and I know you're going to wonder where he went.  We'll be sending him lots of pictures and doing lots of activities to keep ourselves busy.

Baby Likes: You love your jumper and usually spend about a half an hour in it at night just jumping away.  You also love your toys especially this one.  You will lay in your play gym and roll back and forth to get them.  You also try shoving them in your mouth and get so frustrated when they do not fit.

Jumper love

Milestones: You are talking so much!  You just babble all day.  I don't know if you have a lot on your mind or you just like to hear yourself talk.

You are still trying to roll from your back to your front and are getting close.  Mama is scared at how mobile you'll be once this happens.

You continue to laugh and smile daily and its just a joy to be around you!!

Best of Times: Waking up to your smiling face.  You are so happy in the mornings and are filled with smiles.

Worst of Times: Your small sleep regression.  I'm a little scared because I don't think the worse is behind us.  I'm praying that you'll be able to make a smooth transition to your crib and we'll both get some sleep.

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