Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A Look Back at 2013

2013 has been a huge year for us.  We've had a lot of huge changes and life events.  Its been so fun to look back at our year and reminisce about all the good times.


We found out we were pregnant!  I took this picture the day I got a positive test, at approximately 4 weeks.  

We went on our honeymoon to Morocco!  We spent two weeks exploring the country from the high mountains to the desert.  It was an amazing adventure.


We went to Mombasa for the second year in a row to play in FEAST and had a blast.  Missing this crew like crazy!!  Go Kisumu!


We told everyone we were expecting a new addition to our family!  No it wasn't an April Fools Joke. :)


We left our beloved Kenya and moved to North Carolina for Josh's next assignment.  We moved into our new home and started unpacking the endless amount of boxes.  Who knew we had that much stuff!


We found out that Baby Bast was a GIRL!!  It totally changed our thinking as we were thinking boy from the beginning.  Bring on the hair bows and shoes!


Photo by McConville Studio

I watched one of my best friends  marry the love of her life.  So happy to be a part of her day!


We got out and explored North Carolina, visiting Wilmington and relaxing by the ocean.


On the last day of this month we welcomed Mara into the world!  Our lives would never be the same.  


We went to the pumpkin patch and celebrated Mara's first official holiday, Halloween! She was Minnie Mouse.


We had Mara's dedication at church and a wonderful Thanksgiving with Josh's parents.  Our first as a family of three and in the new house.


Mara got to meet Santa and we celebrated Christmas together as a family of three in our own home.  We also traveled north so Mara could meet her extended family!

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