Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Thanksgiving at the Bast Household

I was so excited to host our first thanksgiving here in Fayetteville.  Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays.  I love the traditional food and stuffing your face.  Family and friends.

This year we were so happy to have Josh's parents up from Florida to join us.  Thanksgiving is just all that much better when you are able to celebrate it with your family.  We love that they are close enough to make the trip.

The spread

We had a little wrench in our traditional meal as I am no longer eating dairy. (See my story here) I had originally thought that it would be pretty hard but was pleasantly surprised.  Basically I just substituted almond or coconut milk when recipes called for milk and a vegan butter where they called for butter.  Done.  And let me tell you it was all delicious.  I didn't notice a difference at all.

Dinner around the table

We made a smoked ham, green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole, biscuits, pumpkin pie, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy.  We all chowed down while Mara slept in her daddy's arms.

Mara in her Thanksgiving dress

And the best part: leftovers.  We are still indulging in them!!

Mara and her Nana sporting her Thanksgiving pjs

Overall Thanksgiving 2013 was a success.  I had a blast cooking the meal for our family and loved celebrating another holiday with Mara.  Holidays just have a whole other meaning when you have littles in the house.  I hope in years to come she loves Thanksgiving as much as I do!!

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