Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Mara-2 Months

Mara, at two months I think its hard to classify you as a newborn anymore.  Although I am sad to leave that stage behind us, I'm excited to enter the true baby stage.  I am constantly amazed at how much you change daily.  I have to remind myself to soak in every minute.

Love this little smile

Weight: I think you're probably a little over 12 pounds already (12.5 to be exact.  weighed you this morning).  Last week you were 11.5 and still continue to eat frequently.  I am already getting comments from people about how well fed you are.  Guess Mama's milk is high fat!

Mornings are the best for getting faces out of her

Health: I feel like a broken record here but the gas still plagues you girl.  I think we may have turned a corner this week though.  Mama discovered you aren't processing dairy very well.  Your aunts warned me that this may happen so we are on a mission to cut out all dairy from my diet.  It'll take a few weeks to get out of my system but hopefully once it does you'll feel better.  Besides the gas you are super healthy girl.  We go in for your two month well visit next week so we'll see what the doctor says.

Ready for daddy to be home

Social: You are mama's curious baby.  You love to just look around and are happiest when you can see your surroundings.  You still push out with your hands when you are in the Moby so you can crane your neck back.  Anything to see the world!  You have started to talk to Mommy and Daddy.  You don't coo as much as grunt and make noises.  You also flay your arms and legs to get your point across.

Look at those rolls

Diet: Breast milk!!  Mama has been pumping for our upcoming trip to Clemson though and hopes you will take a bottle for Nana and Papa.  We may have to practice a bit the next few nights.  

Clothes: You are mainly in 0-3 month clothing although you could use some extra length in the onesies.  This is solely because of your cloth diapers though.  For bottoms you are all over the place.  We have 0-3 month and 3 month ones in the drawer.  In fact I think the ones you have on today are 3-6 month.  The bigger sizes are too long but you need the extra space for the diapers.

I wonder what's going on in this little head

Mama's Favorites: I am all about my baby carriers this week.  You have been refusing to nap unless you are on Mama and girl you need your naps.  SO we have been sporting the Moby as usual and have recently broken out the Ergo.  I still think you are a bit small for the Ergo as I don't like how your feet are scrunched in the bottom.  Its also a bit harder to put on alone than the Moby.

Crying: You still only cry when you are hungry and have gas.  Mommy can tell the difference immediately.  You just scream when you want to nurse and don't stop till you are on.  In fact you have started crying a bit even when you are right at the breast.  I think its your way of saying, "Mom you waited too long!"  When its just gas you kind of whine while you cry.  I can tell you're in pain and we get you upright so you can get rid of that burp or gas.  

Sleep: Lately you have regressed in this department. We are back at 3 hour increments with the morning more like 1-2 hours.  I'm not sure if you are going through another growth spurt or its a factor of the gas.  I'm hesitant to try to get you on any kind of schedule but would GREATLY appreciate it if you decided you wanted to sleep longer stretches :) If I can get you down by 9:30ish then I count it a good night, but lately its been more like 11 or 12.  Somehow you still want to be up at 7 am every morning regardless.  Thankfully this is your happiest hour so its hard for mama to be mad about the lack of sleep.  Baby smiles cures everything!

This one make my heart melt

This Week: You and mama had a girl's week as Daddy was out in the field.  You are starting to be more responsive to the world around you and are interested in toys (although you don't reach for them yet).  You were great when we were at friends houses and let them hold you.  You can still be a bit of a mama's girl and that's ok :)

Baby Likes: You love your gym this week.  You have been kicking and swinging at the toys and I'm sure will reach for them soon.  You seem to like your sleep sheep that your great aunts got you too.  Mama sets it to the heartbeat sound and you seem to sleep a bit sounder.  I'm hoping that by starting this routine it now it will make bedtimes easier in the future.

When did my baby girl get this big?

Milestones: You are now smiling in response to Mommy and Daddy.  You know when we are being silly and bless us with one of those adorable smiles you have in there.  You are also talking more and as always love taking in the world around you.  I've started telling you about everything you're looking at too.  We have abandoned tummy time.  You don't really like it and your head support is amazing.  I figure you get enough tummy time when you are on either me or daddy.  I don't think you "should" be rolling anytime soon but you sure get to your side quickly when we lay you down.  You flail those arms and legs like you want to get over.  That right arm is really stopping you up!

I think you may have started teething.  Yes I know its crazy early for this but you seem to have all the signs.  You're fussy, drooling like its your job and shoving your fists into your mouth.  I can see two little white tooth buds in your bottom gum already.  Has anyone else experienced this?  Teething at 2 months?

Best of Times: Seeing Daddy after a long week without him.  His girls are happy to have him back!

Oh my the chubbs

Worst of Times: The night before Daddy came home you had a rough hour or so.  It wasn't long but girl you just screamed.  Mom didn't know what to do.  We walked and sung.  We changed your diaper and tried to nurse.  Finally you let out a little burp and stopped.  Seemed you had a bubble trapped.   You immediately went to bed but mama felt a little defeated.  

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