Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Life Lately

I feel like I've been a little mia from the blog as of late.  Life has been in its own way a tad busy.  Josh headed out to the field a week ago leaving Mara and I on our own.  Even though I am with her by myself every day, it was a bit of an adjustment having him gone for a whole week.  You don't realize how much you look forward to that time in the evening when he gets home!!

We were really busy for being on our own though.  I felt incredibly blessed to have the friends we have here in North Carolina.  They invited us over for dinner, a chat on their sofa and came over bearing a whole box of donuts (Thank you Cathy!!) They kept the week moving for me and made the time go quicker.

Army explosion

On our slower days, Mara and I just went into survival mode.  She slept and played and peed.  When she slept I ran around the house like a mad woman straightening up, cleaning, doing laundry, etc.  Its really amazing how much you can get done in 20 minutes (why she thinks she only needs to sleep in 20 minute intervals I do not know).

Sporting her Daddy shirt and army bow

Needless to say we were really excited when Josh got back yesterday.  We headed into base to meet him for a quick lunch.  Even though it was quick, that time is so precious!  Last night was even better once he got home.  Mara has been less fussy at night so she got some much needed Daddy time while I fixed dinner and did the mountain of army laundry.

Night time was even better with Josh there.  Although she slept pretty poorly, having him there (although I don't normally wake him) just makes it better somehow :)

This weekend we are gearing up to head to Clemson to see the Clemson Tigers take on Citadel.  Clemson is Josh's alma mater and we are super excited to be close enough to catch a game. His parents are headed up to watch Mara for us and it'll be great to see them again too.

Next Monday is our anniversary.  I can't believe its been a year since our wedding.  Its crazy how time flies when life is sweet :) I don't know if we'll get to do anything special for it on the day but maybe the next weekend.

Thanksgiving is around the corner and I am getting really excited to cook my first Thanksgiving dinner.  Its going to be a bit interesting as I recently went dairy free for Mara (more on that later).  Josh's parents will be with us this year which will make things extra special.

Well I think that's enough rambling for one post....more coherent

thoughts to come!


  1. I was just thinking about how fast the year has gone and how your anniversary is just around the corner!

  2. I am so happy that Adam crossed paths with you both in Kenya and introduced you to Cait and I!! We love you guys!!!


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