Friday, November 15, 2013

A Day in the Life....(With a Newborn)

My daily life has changed a lot since Mara was born.  I used to make huge to do lists and feel so accomplished when I got most of it done.  When Josh first went back to work, I continued to write my list but found myself getting really discouraged.  Now a days my perspective is a little different.  If I can get a few things done then I'm looking good.

Here's a glimpse to our normal "schedule" (that word is a little loose with a newborn):

6-7 Mara wakes up.  We nurse and have a little Mommy and daughter time.  She's usually full of smiles in the morning and I love it!

8:30-9:30 Mara goes down for her morning nap.  This is when I jump in the shower.  I try not to have any other goals for this time because one her morning nap is short and two I just need some me time.

10 Hopefully by now I've eaten something.  Mara usually has some more awake time at this point.

11-12 Mara goes down for her noon nap.  I usually run around the house in a frenzy during this time.  I throw in a load of laundry, do a quick clean up, empty the dishwasher, clean the bathroom, etc.  Whatever really needs my attention.

1-2 Mara wakes up wanting to nurse.  We nurse and she usually falls back asleep again.  I try to do anything else that desperately needs my attention and then I try to just sit.  I blog, I cross stitch, I paint my nails.  Just little things for me.

3-4 Mara usually goes down for one more nap during this time.  By now I've done all I want to do around the house during the day.  I usually let her sleep on me during this time and just soak up her newness.

5-8 This used to be Mara's fussy time but the last few days she has been better.  We nurse non stop during this time.  She's a huge cluster feeder and just wants her Mommy.  I feel bad for Josh when he comes home because she isn't the happiest baby.

8-10 Mara falls asleep at some point during these hours.  I have been trying to go to bed when she does but I also want to spend some time with Josh.  Hopefully in the upcoming months her schedule will normalize a bit more and she'll be sleeping longer stretches.

During the night she sleeps anywhere from 3-5 hours straight.  Right now its more on the 3 to 4 end.  When she wakes we usually change her diaper, nurse and she's back to sleep within about 20 minutes.  She typically sleeps longer initially and the time between gets closer together towards the morning.

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