Monday, August 11, 2014

Mara-42 Weeks

Weight: Not sure on this one.  I swear you feel heavier but it's hard to tell.

Health:  Minus a few bumps and bruises you are doing great!

Cozy Coupe cruising

Social: You are doing great being introduced to all these new people again!  You are doing pretty well and are even starting to warm up to your grandparents.  You are still shy but if you are fed and not tired you do pretty well.  You even worked at your Great Aunt Mary's store for a few hours while Mama got her hair cut and ran a few errands.  I'm sure this will only get better the longer we are here.

I cannot stress your love for this thing

Diet: You are still doing almost all real food.  This isn't the greatest for Grandma as she bought you a ton of baby food pouches.  You now like to have something small for breakfast, usually some fruit.  You are also eating a ton more than you did at home.  Lately your favorites are turkey, avocado, cheese and of course strawberries.  You recently tried noodles, chicken, raspberries, squash and blueberries.  You love it all!

You seem to have figured out the NUK sippy cup.  You will drink a few ounces of water from it daily.  I can hear you sucking from it.  We will now have to introduce new types of cups and see how you do with them.  

Clothes: You are still in 12 month clothes exclusively.  I think we will be good with the 12 month clothing while we are here.

You are in size 3 disposable diapers.

Loves to look out the window at the corn

Mama's Favorites: I love seeing you play with mine and Uncle Joe's old toys.  It's so much fun to see you discover them for the first time.  I think it's so neat that we played with them at one time and now you are.

Crying:  You have been really crabby as of late.  I'm not sure what's going on.  I don't know if you're teething.  Molars?  Or this is a result of you being more active.  I miss my sweet tempered girl though.  You get extremely fussy if Mama is not right there and when you do not get what you want toy wise.  This is a new one for mama because you never really cried over toys till now.  Are we already dealing with tantrums?

Longest tongue I've ever seen

Sleep:  You are getting adjusted to our new sleeping arrangement here at Grandma's.  Thankfully they have a crib for you to sleep in.  For the most part you are doing great.  You have been waking up twice a night lately and I'm hoping that soon you will settle into once a night again here.

It's been weird for mama sleeping in the same room as you.  Thankfully I don't think we're keeping each other up at night.

We will probably start weening you from sleeping with mama in the mornings because your need to pinch me and rub my skin through your fingers drives me insane.  I love you baby but I can't handle this.

This Week: We traveled all the way from North Carolina and you did amazing!  We are now enjoying Grandma and Grandpa's.  You have been playing with all your new toys and exploring your new surroundings.

Daddy makes the worse days better

Baby Likes: You LOVE being pushed in the Cosy Coupe.  You could sit for hours in there while someone pushes you around.  We usually have to tear you away crying from it.

You love Uncle Joe's puppy, Ranger.  You talk to him and love when he comes to give you kisses.  Ranger seems to love you too and would probably lick you for hours if we'd let him.

You love to eat.  You seem to have an increased appetite lately and love to sit in your high chair and eat. You can barely contain yourself when mama makes the sign for "eat".

You love books.  Before you would barely sit through them now you get very angry when we don't read them multiple times.  You could look at them for days and I love this.

So many toys so little time

Milestones:  You learned "So Big".  Mama taught you this while we were on our trip and you picked it up fast.  You now do it on demand as well as sporadically.  When you do it on your own you look at whomever is in the room as if saying, "Aren't you supposed to ask how big I am?"

You went on your first major road trip.  We drove from North Carolina to Illinois.  16 hours in one day.  Girl you were a trooper.  You can read more about our drive here.

You are now pulling up to standing on EVERYTHING.  You pull up on the windows, the furniture, toys, mama, etc.  Once you get to standing you usually dance a bit.  You don't like to sit and only do so when you need to crawl somewhere.  I assume you'll be walking soon.

You walk with ease when holding someone's hand.  You love to be guided as you take your steps.  You are really stable on your feet.  Now you will also stand unassisted for a few seconds as well.

You crawled up the first step of Grandma and Grandpa's stairs and stopped.  You weren't sure what to do next.  This makes mama very nervous but girl you are ready to explore!!

You also crawled down from the bed one day no problem.  Just rolled to the side and lowered yourself.  Almost gave mom a heart attack.

John Deere baby

Best of Times: You really are developing a personality.  I love seeing it emerge and I am coming to realize you are this adorable, amazing little person.

Worst of Times: How are you 42 weeks?  Only 10 weeks from one.  Mama is not ready girl!

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