Thursday, June 12, 2014

Mara-34 Weeks

Weight: Still not exactly sure where you stand in this department.  You are probably around 20 lbs. and somewhere around 26-28 in.

bathtime is always a hit

Health: You were run down with a small cold shortly after Daddy left.  I'm not sure where you picked it up but thankfully you got over it pretty quickly.  You also passed it on to Mommy and Nana.
Social: You are experiencing a lot of stranger danger.  On top of the stranger danger I think you are clinging more to your mama now that Daddy has left.  You may be a bit worried that I am also going to leave.

You still give out a lot of smiles but it takes you a long time to warm up to people.  For the most part you'd rather just be held by mama.

Diet: We are still breastfeeding about the same.  You don't like to eat in the mornings and would prefer to just nurse.  We then try to have some solids for lunch and dinner.

You still seem to prefer the store bought foods to mine.  I think you may have some issues with texture.  You love your fruits and only eat veggies if they are mixed in with something sweet.

We have gotten away from finger foods for a bit mainly because you don't even try to eat them.  You just pick them up and throw them on the floor.  I know this is inevitable but you don't even attempt to put them in your mouth.

I think we'll start you on some oatmeal and see if we can slowly introduce that for breakfast time.  In general you love to eat and are always interested in others food.

She looks so big to me here

Clothes: Well we are mainly in 12 month that was quick.  I still have most of your 9 month outfits in your dresser but let's be honest we probably won't wear them anymore.  Girl you have too many clothes!

I'm wondering if you will slow down a bit.  I still have a ton of dresses for the summer that I think will last you awhile.  Its really the pants that you grow out of first because of the cloth diapers.

New car seat!

Mama's Favorites: I really like watching you interact with your daddy on skype.  It makes me really happy to see you recognize him and smile.  You love hearing his voice and always seem to light up when we get to talk to him.

I am also really liking watching you become more mobile.  You are exploring trying to crawl and pull up on things.  I can see you getting more and more confident in yourself each day.

Oh the toy basket dump

Crying: This category has probably increased a bit.  With your stranger danger you get pretty upset when I walk away.  You will fuss till I am back in your sight line.  Otherwise you're pretty good and only really cry when you're hungry or tired.

Sleep: Sleep is still the one category I wish you were better in girl.  You still wake up at least once a night to nurse.  Lately you've been waking up around midnight wide awake.  It's been a struggle to get you back down.  I don't know if you're just awake or looking for reassurance that I'm near but I'm hoping we can work through it.

On a positive note, you've been taking your naps in your cribs which is my ultimate goal.  The naps are short but I'm hoping they will steadily increase as you get more used to napping in your bed.

Posing in the British themed photo booth

This Week:  We said good-by to Nana and Papa and started settling in to life just me and you.  We've been chatting with daddy and trying to figure out our new normal.  We also went to LTC Kness's change of command where you entertained everyone around you.

Baby Likes: You love to play patty cake.  You start clapping and then look to me to sing the song.  Once I am done you start clapping again to start the song.

You love dumping your toy basket.  It's seriously your favorite activity.  You then take each toy out and look at it.  It's like you're discovering everything in it for the first time.  Once the basket is empty you proceed to try to crawl inside.

Milestones:  You are playing patty cake now.  You start clapping and then watch intently while I go through all the motions.

You are pulling up on things!  You pull to standing at your musical play area and the fireplace.  Your balance has come a long way in a few days and I no longer have to support you.  Daddy got to witness this for the first time which was awesome!

You're crawling is still coming along.  Just today you got past your knee and progressed to all fours.  Maybe in the next few days you will actually move your arms and legs.  In the meantime you still rock and scoot to get around.

Dropping things is your favorite game.  Anything that makes a noise you immediately notice and you will continue to drop it as long as someone will pick it up for you.

You moved into a bigger car seat and love it.  Now you can see yourself in the mirror and smile and clap at your reflection.

Your third tooth is coming in.  The top right one has broken the skin and is slowly making its way down.

You are giving kisses on demand!  In the last two days I have started asking for kisses and you turn in and lay one on me.  It's the sweetest thing and I can't help but squeeze you every time you do it.

Best of Times: Every time we get to talk to daddy on skype.  We both light up and so does he :)

Worst of Times: I'd say the few nights you've woken up late in the night.  I've been sick and it's been rough.

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