Sunday, July 8, 2012

Another attempt...

So all day I had this itch to start some kind of project, accomplish something big, clean something out, etc.  Well I really didn't have anything that met that criteria so I decided to try another recipe.  This was a cheesy garlic baggette.  It didn't turn out as I expected but I think I have an idea where I went wrong.  First I used all-purpose flour instead of bread flour.  There's nothing I can really do about this as we don't have bread flour in Kenya.  Second, my yeast wasn't really going when I added the dry materials.  I think this is because I used raw honey.  The yeast just weren't able to break down the complex sugars.  Lastly I could have done something with the whole kneading process.  The recipe said it worked best with a Kitchen aid.  Well we don't have a Kitchen aid (yet...) so I had to use my good ole muscles.

Overall its alright, a bit doughy but still very tasty.  I mean you can't really go wrong with butter, garlic and cheese!

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