Friday, June 1, 2012

1 year

Its been 1 year since I arrived in Kisumu.  Its been an amazing year filled with great trips, amazing friends and too many memories to count.  Here's just a few:

1. Josh and I got engaged-Cannot wait to marry him later this year!
2. I started at CDC-Kenya-The project has had its ups and down but overall its been a great learning experience.
3. We traveled around Kenya: Aberdares, Kericho, Kerio Valley, Mara, Mombasa, Zanzibar, Kakamega, Mfangano Island, Rusinga Island, Watamu, and Nairobi.
4. Ultimate Frisbee-Our small group in Kisumu has grown so large its hard to get everyone on the field at one time.
5. Met so many new friends and unfortunately seen some of them leave-Molly, Sarah, Jenny, Julianne, Elise, Julia, Steve, Jon, Steph, Ryan, Mike, Maggie, Megan

I can't believe how fast time flies here.  It seems like yesterday I got off the plane at Kisumu airport anxiously waiting for a glimpse of Josh.  Now its a year later and so much has happened.  Here's to next year and what Kenya will bring!


  1. Hey! I was just reading through some of your blog and it makes me so homesick for Kenya. We lived in Nairobi for a year and three months, and have visited many of the places that you listed, along with many more! What an amazing country. We are planning on heading back to Africa (not sure of the country yet) to live long term, and cannot wait :) Anyway, just wanted to say hey and that I loved reading about your adventures :) xoxo

  2. Hi! Thanks for reading. I'm not sure how I found your blog but I love reading it as well. And I love that you guys were here at one time. Kenya definitly holds a place in our hearts and we'll be sad to leave next May! That's so exciting that you guys are coming back. Seeing more of Africa in general is on my to do list but with work and general life sometimes its hard to get out of Kisumu yet alone Kenya. Again thanks for reading. I love your blog and your little boy is adorable! God bless!


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