Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A Kenyan Work Permit

This story begins all the way back in April when I made the decision to come back to Kenya.  I was corresponding with CDC and trying to arrange for the most appropriate visa for my trip.  Despite my instance that a work permit was a possibility we applied for a Special Pass.  Despite talking to many about this "special pass", I still cannot figure out what was so special about it.  It did not allow me to work in Kenya, I wasn't considered a resident and it was only for three months which is the length of the typical Kenyan tourist visa. 

Quickly after my arrival, we decided it was best to apply for a Kenyan work permit.  This permit allows the holder to come and go from Kenyan as he or she pleases, gives the individual resident rates at national parks and attractions and is free to KEMRI staff!  You can't beat it right?  Well little did I know what a long and stressful process it would become.

I began filling out the paperwork in July which included an application, transcripts from my undergrad and grad school, a copy of my passport, 2 photos and a letter of support for the director of CDC.  All were relatively painless (if you don't count the 2 hours at the passport picture place because I smiled in the first shot).  Next came the KEMRI approval and with all things Kenya it took a bit of time.  A few weeks later my application was in order and on its way to the immigration office.  Here's where the headaches began...

The assured time of two months came and went.  Finally at the end of November I got word that the immigration committee was finally convening to discuss my application.  "What a relief!" I thought.  "Maybe I'll even get this before I leave for Christmas."  Ahh the optimism I had then.  The only result from that first meeting was the request for my actual diplomas rather than my transcripts.  Apparently when they ask for transcripts you are supposed to imply that they really want your certificates.  Well luckily by then I was headed back to the states and was able to scan and send the diplomas in. 

I was shocked and amazed when I received an email 2 weeks ago saying the permit had been approved.  One I didn't think anything could get done with the holidays and two I was just plain beginning to loose hope.  There are still a few things I am sorting out like my alien registration card (which takes another two months to process :) and my contract at CDC.  All in all the frustrations and stress from this process has been worth it.  Despite my rantings, the whole process would have been ten times worse if it wasn't for the dedicated CDC staff both here in Kisumu and in Nairobi who put up with my pestering and personally went down to the immigration office day after day to inquire about my visa.  I am definitely looking forward to moving on with this process and eventually completing it.  In the meantime though, that work permit in my passport feels like pure gold.

Here it is.  Proof I am legal to work in Kenya!

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