Thursday, February 4, 2016

Madeline-1 Month

Weight: I weighed you the other day and you are somewhere between 9.5 and 10 pounds.  It's hard to get the weight exactly as we only have our home scale and I am holding you on it.  You'll go in for your first doctor's appointment shortly and we'll get the exact numbers then.

I don't know how she ends up like this

Tummy time always attracts a crowd

Health: You are doing great in this department! You missed the little wave of colds that seemed to be going around the embassy community as of late.  We do have a few birthday parties coming up but I think you'll be fine if I keep you close.

You are still a great nurser.  You have started to be a bit of a slower nurser if you really aren't hungry.  You kind of take the nipple into your mouth and just hang out there till you're ready.  You still have quite a bit of gas but again you know how to get rid of it.  Burping is easy for you and frankly you sound like a man when you do.  When you do get some gas stuck up in there I've found that laying you on your belly on my legs and patting your back helps a lot.  After a bit of this you usually let one rip.

I need to be more stricter with the dairy but again you seem to be handling it well.  I'm still laying off the milk but have had some cheese lately.  My main vice is chocolate.  Gosh I had a week where I couldn't get enough.  Sorry little one :(
Social: You have continued to be super alert with increasingly longer awake times.  What's funny is you'll have a day where you're super alert and the next it seems like you sleep all day.  It's a good balance.  For the most part you are content to hang out in your bouncer, on the floor or under the play mat while I focus on your sister.  Thank you!

We have the same picture with Mara

Diet: Breast milk!  

I think we'll be moving up to 0-3 month clothes really soon.  You still have a bit of space in your newborn clothes but are getting too long for the onesies.  I've been trying to really par down some of your clothes.  We really have way to many (cough cough Grandma) and there's no need to hang on to all of them.

I can't believe how much she looks like Mara here

Mama's Favorites: I am still loving your bounce a roo.  You hang out here when we need to set you down to tend to your sister.  We love that it's so light and portable.  With Mara we used the swing a lot but haven't used it a lot with you.  I think this is because the swing runs on 110V and we'd have to plug it into a transformer.  You love it too most of the time ending in a scrunched up ball at the bottom of it.

You're starting to love the carriers!  You are exactly like your sister in this regard.  You push off my chest to see the world.  She did this too.  It's actually kind of funny as it then negates the whole hands free thing as I have to support your head with my hands.

A little baby acne

Crying:  Still my angel baby.  You don't cry.  Even when hungry you just kind of whimper until you are fed.

Sleep: Sleep is still going great!  You now consistently sleep 5 hours straight at night.  You go down at midnight for the night.  From there you wake around 5 (sometimes 6!) and then sleep for another 2-3 hours.  It's glorious.  Other nights you fall asleep around 10 and sleep till I head upstairs with you sometime after 11.  On these nights I wake you slightly for a quick "dream feed" and then it's off to bed.  You are so funny these nights.  I move you so much taking you upstairs, changing you, dressing you, swaddling you and nursing you.  YOU DON'T wake!  IT's CRAZY! Now if your sister could sleep till 9 we'd be in business.

I'm already trying to instigate a bedtime routine for you as I can see how necessary it is (ehemmm your sister).  We change your diaper, swaddle and nurse.  I already usually lay you down awake but sleepy.  Your sleep sheep goes on and the light goes out.  Nighttime!

Other things to remember: You like to sleep on your side and do best taking naps this way.  You also almost always go to sleep if we do the rapid butt pat.

First run with the wrap

Starting her off right with Usborne!

This Week: This week settled into life without Nana and Papa.  We went to the grocery store multiple times and hung out at home.  Life has been a beautiful balance of slow and fast.

Ready for church

Just hanging in Big Sister's room

Baby Likes: You love to be upright so you can take in the world.  You also love to be swaddled and know that it signals bedtime.  You love seeing your sister and seem to be captivated by her.

Milestones: No major milestones yet but sleeping longer stretches.  Your body control is getting better by the day and you seem to be enjoying tummy time.  You also had your first bath!

Best of Times: I've loved our quiet times after your sister goes to sleep.  Mommy and Daddy then have the opportunity to really focus on you and bond.  For the last few days we've been really trying to get you to smile.  No luck yet!

Worst of Times: There was only one night where I couldn't get you down to sleep quickly.  It's all relative and it really wasn't bad.  You weren't fussing just wanted to stay up and hang out.  Daddy was already snoring next to me and I was exhausted and jealous.  So that's probably where the frustration came in

Sister Diaries:  Your older sister still continues to adore you with little to no jealousy.  She wants to be right there where you are and wants to hold your hand constantly.  This week I caught her trying to pinch your elbows.  lol  We do get a bit of jealousy if I am feeding you and she can't get what she wants immeaditily.  This has happened a few times after Mara's nap.  She is notorious for waking in a bad mood and can get quite angry if someone isn't there to be with her.

Tummy time is exhausting!

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