Sunday, August 2, 2015

Mara-22 Months

Wears: You still have anywhere from 18 to 2T in your drawers although I'd say the 2T fit you the best.  Now that we are back into cloth diapers you especially need 2T bottoms.

This month we switched you up to size 4 disposable diapers while we were traveling.  Now that we are back in cloth I don't really notice a difference in the sizing from a few months ago.  You still have a ways to go in them but I don't think that will be necessary.

Health:  You weren't sick this month, thank goodness.  Our major issue was cutting a few two year old molars.  You got your bottom two in and ran a pretty high fever one day because of it.  Despite the fever you were your normal self and we just gave you some Motrin to bring it down.

Says:  You are becoming more and more verbal this month.  You started nodding yes (finally!) although you don't say the word.  You do seem to have your own version of yes which comes out as "I did sha know."  We're not sure where you got this but it's pretty funny.  While visiting family you started to learn names.  You can say Papa, Seija and Ani/Arne.

Once we arrived in Georgia your sentence structure exploded overnight.  It was the strangest thing.  You are stringing together a ton of sounds and it almost sounds like you already know the language over here!

Favorite Foods:  You have become such a good eater!  You seem to have an endless pit.  While we were traveling you ate everything.  I was actually pretty worried about visiting others and you not getting your favorites but I didn't give you enough credit.  You loved trying new foods and didn't make a stink about it like you usually do.  Some new foods for you this month are oatmeal and eggs.

We are down to one nursing session a day right before bed.  Surprisingly it was an easy transition from 3 to 1 and we fell into it beautifully.  You still sometimes ask for it throughout the day when you are tired but I gently remind you it is only for night time and you then settle for cuddles.

Sleep: Sleep has been hard for you this month.  At first I thought it was all because of the traveling and it may have played a role in it but I think you were uncomfortable in your pack n play mainly.  the last two days you have slept in a twin bed in your room and done great.  I didn't expect to transition you to a big bed so soon but I am thankful that this transition has gone so smoothly.

It took you a few days to get on the time zone here but after four days I think you are good.  You still take your mid-day nap and go to bed sometime around 9 waking up at 8.  The first few days trying to get you on the time zone were rough.  You woke at midnight hungry and wanting to play.

You also slept pretty well on the plane especially the first leg.  You didn't sleep on the second leg which through off our plans of getting you on the time zone fast but in the end I think it worked out.

Best Moment:  My favorite moments this month include seeing you with family.  You loved getting to play with your cousins in Wisconsin and then with my parents in Illinois.  

Milestones: You tried to ride a tricycle and did pretty good with pedaling.

You have started to really enjoy pretend play.  You feed your babies and cook in the kitchen.

You moved internationally and had your first long plane ride.

You went down a slide all by yourself.

You decided you like the bath again. Thank goodness!

Loves To:  You love to be outside and play at the playground.

You love to ride escalators and elevators.

You love test your limits.  You push back every time Mommy and Daddy say no.

You love to be in the water.  Swimming and playing with water filled mixing bowls.

You love to play in the sand box.

Favorite Toys: slide, easy coupe, toy vacuum, toy lawn mower, rocks, tea set

Dislikes: covers, being told no

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