Thursday, April 9, 2015

Mara-18 Months

Wears:  You are still in 18 month clothing and fitting comfortably.  With the warmer weather we have finally broken into your short sleeved shirts and shorts.  I'm so happy you'll get some use out of them before they have to be boxed away.  You are also in size 3 disposable diapers and on the largest size of your cloth diapers.

At your 18 month doctors appointment you weighed 21.75 pounds and were 31.5 inches tall.

Health:  This month you had your first major illness.  You came down with what we suspect was a bout of norovirus while on vacation.  You were throwing up and had diarrhea for about three days.  Poor girl!  You were a trooper though.  You were, for the most part, all smiles in between bouts of sickness.

Says:  This month you started saying Mickey, baby (nope Mama's not pregnant!) and da.  I love that you have shortened dada because you basically just call me mom.

You also pretty much understand everything we say to you at this point.  You constantly point to objects and people to ask what the word is for it.  You learned more animals this month and now know the sounds for a monkey and an elephant.

You continue to sign for nursing, more and eat.  

Favorite Foods: This month some of your favorites include green beans, cheese, fruit strips, mashed potatoes, and soup.  You usually will try anything once but you can still be kind of picky when it comes to some foods.

Sleep: Oh man I've waited for this girl (nope you're still not sleeping through the night) but you are only waking once!  You will now go down for about 6-8 hours before waking for a quick nurse and then will sleep another 2.  It's been so refreshing for all of us.

You slept amazing while we were on vacation which was a major stresser of mine.  You did like to party till all hours before finally going down but it wasn't too terrible.  We have already started to work on this since being back home.

Your naps are ok.  You still go down for anywhere from 1.5-2 hours in the middle of the day.  You have been fighting me on laying you down in your crib.  You pop back up screaming and can't resettle.  Then you'll be up for another two hours before I can get you back down for your nap.  One day you pushed your mid day nap till 5!!!  Some days I don't fight it and just lay you down on our bed for nap instead of your crib.

Best Moment:  Vacation!  We went to the zoo, Disney World, Sea world and saw lots of family and friends.  You did awesome being away from home for a whole two weeks.

Milestones: You walk up and down steps by yourself without holding on to the railing.

You crawl backwards down the stairs.

You spin in circles when prompted.

You step over things when they are in your walking path.

You stomp your feet and still walk on your tippie toes.

You clap to the beat of the music and shake instruments to the beat in music class.

You are getting really good at using your fork at dinnertime.

You ask to be changed if you have a dirty diaper.

Loves To:  You love to play the I have you have game.  You point to your nose and then ours.

You love to cook in your kitchen.

You love to have long conversations.

You love to get in the paper products drawer in the kitchen and pull out all the napkins and cups.

You love Mickey Mouse and all your stuffed animals.

You love animals in general and are always pointing them out and making their noises.  

Favorite Toys: books, mickey mouse, toy kitchen, farm set, puzzles, ball

Dislikes: when we can't understand you, when daddy comes into your room at night and you want mom, baths until you realize you like them as soon as you get in

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