Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Mara-15 Months

Wears:  You wear strictly 18 month clothing now although some pieces are a little too big.  This is good as hopefully you will get a lot of wear out of everything.  Most of your cloth diapers are fully unsnapped in the largest setting and when I put you in disposables you wear size 4.

Wearing Mama's first Christmas outfit

Health: You have been really healthy this month again.  The main issue was teething for you this month.  You broke in the other molar on the bottom along with both canines on the bottom. You have a full set of teeth on the bottom!!  You are also working on your canines on the top too.  We've been putting lots of teething oil on your gums and even resorted to ibuprofen some days. Overall you did ok with lots of snuggles and nursing from mama.

Christmas knickers

Says:  You really haven't said anything new per say but you are really perfecting your sounds.  "Buddy" is the clearest thing you say.  You also have a new word for mommy.  It comes out a little like "Magee". You also say "wow".

Lately we have been working on animal sounds.  You make the doggie and kitty sounds whenever you see one in a book.  You also give your best shot at a pig and cow sound.

Favorite Foods: On top of your favorites you recently love applesauce, anything Asian, meatballs, and mushrooms.  You are still my picky eater so I am constantly fighting you to try new things.  

I spy a belly button

Sleep: For most of this month you were waking 3-4 times a night due to teeth pain.  We nursed and you were able to settle back down.  This lasted weeks due to the number of teeth you had coming in.  Just in the past few days have I seen the light at the end of the tunnel.  You have been slowly increasing your sleep time and have even put yourself back to sleep sometimes.  The past few nights you were only up twice.

As for naps, you are completely on the one nap schedule.  Right now we are trying to figure out when the best time for it is.  If you get it too early you go to bed way early and if it's too late you're up till 10/11.  You may not have been completely ready for one nap but there was nothing mama could do about it.  For the most part you nap from 1.5-2 hours.

You have so many adventures with your bear

Best Moment:  The best moments this month have been celebrating Christmas with Daddy via skype and visiting with Grandma.  It was so much fun to see your responses this Christmas compared to last.  It was nice that Daddy was able to skype in and join in the fun!

Grandma visited for five days and you were in love.  You read so many books and let her chase you around the house.  It was so nice for mama and you!

Love a baby puffer vest

Milestones: You started riding your radio flyer scooter around at the beginning of the month.  Now you have it mastered and fly around corners chasing buddy.

You started walking backwards.  This just amazes me as I think this is an advanced skill.  You also like to walk around with a dish towel over your head.  I don't know how you do this but you don't run into anything!

This month you started using a napkin.  You asked for one one day and just wiped your mouth and hands.  Now you use one at almost every meal.  You also started trying to use silverware.  You do pretty well with a fork but are still working on the spoon.

You can now get down from beds and chairs by turning around and scooting.  You have given mama a bit of a heart attack getting off the taller beds.

You have started identifying animals.  You have a ton of animal books and love reading them.  You know pigs, cows, dogs and cats.  You also do most of these animal sounds.  You also know that buddy is a cat.

You have started really trying to help around the house.  You spilled your water the other day and ran to get a towel to wipe it up.  You also will put toys away if I show you where they go.

You will brush your hair when prompted.

Ready to see Santa!

She was feeling shy at play group so Grandma lent a hand

Loves To:  You love to read.  Books all day.  Everyday.  Your favorite are farm books with animals.

You love your stuffed animals.  You carry around your teddy and puppy bear.  Grandma bought you a Rudolph which you also love.

You love being chased.  It never gets old to you.  As soon as someone says, "I'm going to get you!" you take off squealing.

You love to mimic mama.  What I eat.  What I do.  I really have to be careful now a days.

You love music and dancing.  Every song that comes on you sway your hands and bounce around.

You love to walk under mama's legs.

Always a ham!

She loved the Christmas tree

Favorite Toys: Radio flyer scooter, BOOKS, teddy bear, stuffed puppy, Rudolph, anything with music

Dislikes: not getting your way immediately, diaper changes

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