Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Mara-14 Months

Wears:  We have for the most part put away almost all of your 12 month things.  You still fit in anything that doesn't snap or have to accommodate your diapers but need the extra space 18 month onesies and pants give.  These are however a bit too long on you.

You were so proud of yourself for climbing up there

Mommy's laundry helper

Health:  You are doing great in the health department.  You had a small cold this month which made you a bit more clingy than normal but after a few days of the humidifier and eucalyptus rub you were on the mend (just in time to give it to mama).

You also broke through your bottom left molar which made you a bit cranky at night for a few days.

Running around Nana and Papa's church

Visiting the manatees

Says: You came up with a few new phrases this month.  On top of mama, dada, yeah, and tickle tickle, you now say, "uddy" (Buddy), "I did it!", me and love you.

Buddy get's the most use as you yell his name every time you see him.

The cutest had to have been when you said love you to daddy after he said it to you.  You haven't done it again but it melted our hearts.

Christmas is coming

A lazy day when we were both down with colds

Favorite Foods: You are still a pretty picky eater.  This month you enjoyed eating chili with mommy and taking a bit of her bagel in the morning.  While at nana and papa's you were not amused with the amount of veggies mama put in front of you although you did like the soups we had!  You also love yogurt and applesauce especially the ones in the little pouches you can suck down!

We also tried cow's milk this month.  You're not impressed.  You typically take a sip then put it down to be forgotten for the rest of the day.  I'm not too worried as we are still nursing and you eat a ton of dairy.

My patriotic girl

A somber moment during our photo shoot

Sleep:  You were doing fairly decent in this department for you before we traveled.  You were only waking twice a night and were sleeping the entire night in your crib.  I was also seeing signs that you were able to put yourself to sleep once laid down on your own.  We'd nurse but you'd be still awake.  I'd lay you down and walk out.  Not a problem!

Then we traveled.  Traveling with you girl is always a lesson in sleep regression.  You did ok the first couple of nights and then I think you begin to realize mama is in the same room as you.  Wake ups become more frequently (this wasn't helped by the teething) and we both don't sleep well.  The last night you absolutely refused to sleep without mama.

Now we're back and trying to work back from this.  Hopefully it's a quick revert! Mama's still praying for that night you decide to sleep through.

Naps on the other hand are decent.  You are right in the middle of the two to one nap transition.  When we are busy in the morning you tend to take two naps.  One shorter one in the car and a longer in the evening.  When we're at home you hold off till early after noon and take just one long.

What's out the window, Mara?
Best Moment:  I think the best moment this month was our visit with your nana and papa.  We spent an entire week with them and really enjoyed our time there.  We visited, went on long walks around their neighborhood, chased birds, saw the manatees and went shopping.

My favorite shot of the shoot.  14 months!

Milestones:  You are practically running now.  You are super stable and most people are shocked to hear you've only been walking for two months.

You easily squat down to get toys or play from standing.  Apparently this is an advanced skill.  You have been doing it since walking.

You have started climbing and love testing your limits to mama's dismay.  You climb boxes, the fireplace and nana & papa's ottoman.  Once on top you usually stand up and start dancing as if to celebrate and further give the people around you heart attacks.

You now respond to other commands such as, "let's go" by going to the door and waiting.

You have started waving this month.  You don't do it a ton but will occasionally when prompted.  It's the cutest thing as you turn your hand palm toward you and wave.

You have started pretend play.  This seems way early but you clearly love to pretend you're eating from bowls and shoes.  Anything that somewhat resembles a food container.  You usually offer others a bite of your pretend food too.

You have started mimicking animal sounds.  You make a great pig noise and also try to bark like a dog.

Already a Clemson fan.  Just like Daddy!

Loves To:  You love chasing mama around the house.  You are my shadow and are right where I am trying to do what I am doing.

You love buddy.  You chase him and pet him.  Usually I find you two sitting next to each other on a rug in the kitchen.  You also love to steal his bed up from under him.

You love it when daddy chases you through the computer.  You giggle and run away as he says, "I'm going to get you."

You love to play peek-a-boo.  You cover your eyes and wait till someone asks where Mara is.  Then you giggle and pull your hands away.

You love dancing.  Anything that plays music you love.  You push the buttons and sway away.  Usually this involves some squatting and hand swinging.

You love belly buttons.  You try to pull mama's shirt up to see hers and have recently discovered yours.  

My big girl.  

Favorite Toys: music table, mama's cell phone, your radio flyer, puzzles, books, anything that's not a toy.

Dislikes: Not getting your way!  You have a strong will girl.

Not going outside.  You love it and don't understand why rain and cold should keep you away.

With Papa at the manatees

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