Thursday, May 1, 2014

Mara-7 Months

Weight: Not exactly sure where you stand on this.  I think you're probably getting closer to 20 lbs and are still probably around 26 inches.

mmm grass

Health: You are still my healthy little girl.  I am a little worried with all the traveling we have coming up but I guess we'll see.  It always seems that when we get on an airplane or go visit family you come back with a cold.

An ultimate player in the making

Social: You are super social still and everyone who comes in contact with you says so.  We are always getting compliments about how happy and friendly you are little girl.  You smile at just about everyone who talks to you and now also try to engage them in conversation.

At home you ramble on and on for minutes to your daddy and I.  You are perfectly content to have a one sided conversation and are going to be our talkative girl!

Mara seems unamused that my head is in its mouth

Diet: You are still nursing about the same amount!  We have tried to interest you in a sippy cup but you'd rather drink milk right from the source.

You are still eating solids.  For awhile I was getting discouraged because you just didn't seem interested in eating at night anymore.  This weekend you were so interested in food while we ate breakfast and lunch that we tried feeding you then.  You ate so much!!  I think for now we're going to try to eat lunch and breakfast instead of dinner.

Your favorites are definitely anything sweet.  You like sweet potatoes, bananas, blueberries, apples, pears, carrots and peaches.  You're not a huge veggie eater but gnawed on a piece of celery the other day.  

You still like to feed yourself and request to do so often.  Surprisingly though if you really like what you're eating you're perfectly content for mama or daddy to feed you.

You have been getting treats from daddy lately.  He's let you chew on pizza crust, eat mango sorbet, try some rice and even have some of his apple pie!  You lucky girl!

Unaware of the fun that awaits her at the waterpark

Clothes: You are still exclusively in 9 month clothes. I think we have at least another few weeks in them before we have to think about 12 month things.

You may be moving into size 2 shoes soon.  Although your toes still fit in size 1, I think its about time to move to the bigger sizes.

It may be time to move to the largest size on your cloth diapers.  We have had too many blowouts in them.  We need more "height" in the back.  This past weekend we went on a trip and you wore size two disposables but those were too small.

Loves to drink water any way possible

Mama's Favorites: I love watching you experience new things.  You take everything in stride little girl.  You observe and take it in.  The joy in your face is priceless.

I will never get tired of you with your daddy.  You love him so much (the feeling is mutual) and light up when he's in the room.  You giggle the loudest for him and know he is always doing something fun that you can be a part of.
Oh poor buddy

Crying: You don't really cry too much, girl.  Now you're biggest issue is when you get frustrated.  You're so ready to do more physically but you don't quite have the capabilities yet.  You grunt and get angry when you can't figure it out.

A new favorite toy...the hanger

Sleep:  Sleep is always an issue in our house.  While you were doing great you had a few days were you were just off.  You woke up a lot and were looking for reassurance from your mama.  Then we went away and you did even worse.

We did learn some valuable lessons though.  Our swaddler that we just got is now obsolete.  You have figured out how to roll over in it and that's a no no.  So your arms are now out.  Last night was the first night for this and I was scared. did great.  So here we are in this cycle of good nights and rough.  Maybe you're teething again.  Maybe you're just growing.

Naps are something I haven't really written about here.  You are still taking three a day: one two hours after you wake up, one around 1 and one at about 5.  Your naps range from 20 minutes to an hour.  You are a cat napper and could probably get down to two naps if we could get you to sleep longer in the morning.

I am still holding you while you nap as you wake up the instant I put you down.  I have successfully put you down a few times and just need to do it more often.

7 months
 This Week: This week we went to Williamsburg, Virginia for a weekend away.  It was so much fun to introduce you to the waterpark there.  You didn't do so great in the daycare but that's ok.

We also spent a lot of time outside swinging and enjoying the nice weather.

my happy girl
Baby Likes: You love your new lunchbox toy Grandma got you for Easter.  You especially love the apple and reach for it immediately.

You loved playing in the water at the waterpark.  You splashed in the water and tried drinking out of the bubbler.  Daddy even took you down the slide.

You love Buddy and try so hard to reach him.  Once you do you pull his hair and ears.  He must love you a lot because he puts up with it.

You love to make and hear people make the kissing sound.  It instantly puts a smile on your face.

You have recently started to form an attachment to stuffed animals and dolls.  You love your pink bunny and your ballerina doll you got for Easter.

You love to hold our hands and instantly quiet down when you slip your hand in either of ours.  You especially need to hold our hands in the car.


Milestones: You are saying more and more sounds.  Its fun to hear you put certain sounds together.

We are trying to teach you sign language.  We do the signs for milk, eat, more, all done, and cat.  You know what milk and eat means for sure.  You smile and get excited.  We've also caught you doing the milk sign a couple of times when you were pretty fussy and wanted to nurse.

You are really close to crawling.  You push yourself backwards with ease but haven't figured out how to go forward yet.  You have scooted a bit on your butt by reaching forward with your hands and pulling your butt along.

You got a swing for Easter and have loved swinging in it.  You get wide eyed and break into this huge grin every time we push you.

You discovered grass for the first time.  You loved pulling it out and trying to put it in your mouth (of course).
You have mastered sitting.  You don't really fall back anymore and now would rather sit to play than lay.

Best of Times:  Getting to spend quality time as a family.  We played outside, went to the waterpark and just tried to soak in every minute before daddy has to leave.

Worst of Times:  The few nights where you were super clingy.  We had to get up multiple times during the night and that's just hard on mommy and daddy.  We're all much happier when you get a lot of sleep.

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