Wednesday, July 17, 2013

29 Weeks

This week has been a bit trying as I've been busy getting ready to head to Illinois among other things.  I think I'm finally packed and have the house at a decent status the morning before leaving.  Although I'm excited for Jill's wedding and some time with my family, I am going to miss Josh so much.  He surprised me with a mini date night in last night and it was the perfect way to spend the evening.

Not much has changed in terms of baby girl this week.  She's still growing in there and being pretty active.  She is especially picky about how much space she gets.  If I pull up my legs or roll into a ball she immediately kicks in protest.  I think she really likes stretching out in there!

I've hung up a couple of things in the nursery this week as well as purchased the rest of our cloth diaper stash. We still have a few more things to get and make but it doesn't seem as overwhelming as it did a few weeks ago.   I'm sure I'll get a few things when I'm shopping with my mom this week and the rest we'll fill in the blanks when I get back.

I'm still feeling quite big and its starting to make sleeping uncomfortable.  A good night's sleep has been redefined for me.  I now count it good if I only wake up once or twice to use the restroom and roll over because of my hips hurting.  This morning I was woken by a nasty storm and couldn't get back to sleep.  I'm hoping that not having my maternity pillow the rest of the week won't affect me too much.

29 weeks which means about a 11 more to go.  Before we know it the day will be here!


  1. Looking great! :) Very excited for you!

    1. Thanks Em! When is Baby Wells going to be here ?! ;)

  2. You are beautiful! Can't wait to see you.
    Kathy G.


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