Thursday, June 13, 2013

24 Weeks

I know I keep saying the time is flying by, but I can't help it.  I swear I get these posts done and its time for the next one.  This week I'm feeling big.  Soccer ball big.  Or at least that's what it says on all of my pregnancy apps.  I'm trying not to worry too much about it as my weight gain and more importantly little girl's weight gain is right on track.  I have noticed that I'm not being as good about what I'm eating as I used to be so I'm trying to fix that.  More fruit and less processed sugar.  I think I'm more aware of this with the glucose testing right around the corner. 

Strangest thing happened to me yesterday.  My belly literally moved!  (Yes I know this is normal but it was weird to me) It was like someone was doing the wave in there.  Now she's kicked before but nothing like this.  Its always felt really deep and low in my pelvis.  This was pretty high and moved down my abdomen.  It was also strange because I was just sitting still.  Baby girl is pretty quiet unless I'm not giving her enough space ie have a computer pressed to my belly or bending over.  Its like she's saying, "Hey mom cut that out!" This time I was slouched in a computer chair giving her ample space.  Guess she just decided it was time for some acrobats.

For the most part I'm still feeling really good.  I'm getting tired easily and its making this whole moving in thing a bit slow but that's ok.  I'm feeling a bit behind on my reading and know we need to start getting on some things pronto.  Like um a name....or a birth plan....or her nursery...yeah in no particular order.  We'll get there.  We always do.  
6 months!


  1. Jen - I love reading your blog! You are so creative and look beautiful!
    Emily L

  2. Thanks Em! Hope all is well!!

  3. You look great Jen! I hope you're feeling good too! Love the blog :)

    1. Thanks Emily! I really liked your blog post today. Can't wait to follow and read about Baby Boy Wells! Good luck in the last month!


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