Friday, October 14, 2011

Camping in the Mara

This past weekend Josh and I took off to the Mara with friends for a weekend of camping and animal sightings.  The Mara is probably the most recognizable tourist destination in Kenya.  Its what you think of when you think of "going on safari".  The landscape is dotted with safari vans filled with camera-donned individuals from all over the world. The first time I visited the Mara I had an experience quite similar to that but this time we decided to venture out on our own, roughing it to some degree.
One of the many hyenas we saw

We set off from Kisumu. Normally the road can be pretty bumpy but we decided to take a different route.  After 2.5 hours of blissful pavement and 2.5 hours of not so nice dirt roads we made it to camp.  Camp was located on the river Mara on an embankment looking over a very large hippo resting point.  Needless to say I was very happy we had a little space between them and us.  After setting up the tents and camp kitchen there wasn't enough sunlight left to spot any animals so we rounded up dinner.  Now I know I claimed we roughed it but let me claim I have never camped so nicely:  hot food, ample seating and a warm fire. 
The wildebeest migration, a 7 wonders of the world
The next morning we woke early to get out on safari.  The lions tend to hunt in the mornings and evenings so that's the best time to catch a kill!  We unfortunately didn't see any this trip but did stumble upon a lone lioness licking her chops after enjoying a zebra for breakfast.  The day continued with more sightings of zebra, elephant, giraffe and the end of the wildebeest migration.  We treated ourselves with a drink and lunch at the Serena hotel overlooking the Mara plains.  I have to say I would never want to stay there as part of my Mara experience.  There's something about the wilderness and a five star hotel that doesn't mix well with me, but I can't say I didn't enjoy the food!  Afterwards we headed back out on safari, hoping the evening would bring us more luck.

A Hippo pod right next to camp

The second day was similar to the last in spending the morning and evenings hunting down animals.  We finally had luck at sunset on our way back to camp.  Josh noticed a group of safari vans huddled in one spot (which usually means there's something good to look at) and suggested we check it out.  A little bumping up and down and we were treated to a lepard sighting!  I can't stress how rare these are.  Usually the lepards only come out to hunt and then its only in the evenings.  When they aren't hunting they are sitting in tall trees very skillfully blending in.  We decided to get a little closer to the tree and were in awe as the lepoard made its way down the trunk.  Unfortunately I wasn't on the "right" side of the car to get any good shots, but it was an experience I won't forget. 

The Mara is beautiful.  You can visit it hundreds of times and never get bored of the breathtaking sceenery and animals.  Its one of those places where I catch myself and think "Wow, I'm in Africa".

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