Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Germany-The Fun Stuff

Germany wasn't all medical all the time.  We did get to enjoy some of the creature comforts of the U.S., have dinner with old friends and explore the oldest city in the country!

Like I mentioned in the previous post, we got to enjoy some of our U.S. favorites while in Germany.  I know you're probably confused a little.  The states in Germany?  Well we were on the Air Force Base while there so everything is pretty much like it is back in the US.  We ate at Chili's, got Baskin Robbins Ice Cream and picked up our favorites at the commissary.

I'm usually one to fully emerge myself in a country and not be too phased by the lack of creature comforts but I was needing my dose of 'Merica and the base definitely provided!

One thing I am so glad we got to do was have dinner with our good friends The Peters!  We were stationed in Kenya with Adam and got to know Cathy and Caitlin well when we were all living in Fayetteville.  I'm so glad that we could take a night and just sit down and enjoy each other's company.  Mara loved the extra attention dragging Adam, Cathy and Caitlin to go play!  I love how no matter the time we can always pick up right where we left off :)

Since both Maddy and Josh got clean bills of health we had Wednesday to do whatever we pleased.  (We had originally scheduled this extra day just incase more testing or appointments needed to be done)  Josh did some research and we were off to Mainz.  Mainz is the oldest town in Germany with structures dating back to Roman times.  The drive was fairly easy and we arrived there in good spirits.

Up to this point Mara had been a dream but she chose this moment to just let the full fledge toddler twos shine through.  It was a hard first hour but we push through (despite wanting to give up and call it good) and saw some of the town.  We toured two churches and stopped for delicious Italian in the old part of the city.  Mara and I got homemade pasta while Josh went with the pizza.  Amazing!

The day wasn't as packed full as we would have liked but we were able to see a few things and get off base which was a win in my book.

Thursday was spent driving back to Frankfurt to catch our plane.  Again we had a flight through Turkey.  We finally landed in Tbilisi at about 1 am, got the girls in the car and made our way home.  We all passed out because (crazy us) were headed out the door the next morning for a Memorial Day camping trip!!

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