Friday, November 20, 2015

Tot School-Clothing

This week we are focusing on clothing.  Mara knows her clothing so I just wanted to focus on some fun activities that would introduce more clothing pieces and make the topic fun.

On Monday we started by decorating some mittens.  The weather is getting colder here and Mara hates to wear her mittens.  I hope that by decorating these paper mittens I may have an easier time getting her to wear them.  The night before I cut out mitten shapes from scrap construction paper.  I connected them with a piece of string and then grabbed some pom poms.  She took her time putting the glue on and attaching the decorations.

Later in the afternoon we did a winter clothing coloring page.  Usually she doesn't remain focused with coloring pages but she did with this one.  Maybe it was the time of day?  Anyways we talked about each article of clothing and colored them.  Later in the evening she even told her Daddy where you wear each piece of clothing!

The last thing we did on Monday was build a washing machine out of a cardboard box.  I had expected to use this toy for her to pretend to wash clothes.  She climbed in and decided to "repair" it using her tools.  We're going to keep it out for the rest of the week!

Tuesday started with some button lacing.  She's done this activity before and just keeps getting better at it.  She can pull the string through but has a little difficulty pinching the string right to get the button through.  She's close though!  Perfect activity for working on fine motor skills.

Then we moved on to shoe matching.  I grabbed some butcher paper and traced a few pairs of our shoes.  Mara matched each shoe to it's outline and then asked to do it again!  This activity was pretty simple but reinforced sorting and matching.

Wednesday we made a shopping bag.  I had a brown paper bag that I cut out a side of.  I added some contact paper and cut out some clothing shapes.  As Mara stuck them on her bag we talked about what they were and she pointed to the same thing on her if she was wearing it.

Later that day we got out all of our clothing puzzles and dressed the people up.  She has two where you can choose the outfit the person has.  It was fun to see her put different combinations together.

Thursday we didn't do any clothing related topics.  We were out of the house in the morning and then I was sorting our Usborne books in the afternoon.  We spent the rest of the day looking at all of our new books and learning that way!

On Friday we did a play dough mat in the morning.  I have never done a play dough mat with Mara before and honestly thought she wouldn't get the concept.  I printed out an outline of a person and told her we would use her play dough to dress the person.  We made a shirt and pants.  Then Mara wanted to give him a hat and shoes.  She did pretty good following along and even did the shoes herself!

Clothing was a fun topic for the week.  We didn't get through all the activities I planned but that's ok.  She knows her clothes and it was fun to work on other skills like the lacing and getting herself dressed.  Next week we're going to do Thanksgiving themed activity because of course it's the holiday week!  We'll be doing a lot of turkey themed arts and crafts as well as some activities!

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