Thursday, October 29, 2015

My Pregnancies-The Similarities. The Differences.

I wanted to take a few minutes and jot down some of my thoughts about my two pregnancies.  The similarities and the differences.....

1. Heartburn- The second time around I am really feeling the heartburn!  With Mara I had the occasional bout but not more than what I deemed usual.  With baby #2 I feel like some nights it's just debilitating.  I chew my tums and lay on the couch till it passes.  Also the second time around I feel like I'm getting heartburn from the strangest things.  Sure anything acidic still does it (tomatoes, pizza, etc) but water?  And milk?  Weird...

2. Cravings- I don't think I really have had any true cravings with either of my pregnancies.  I ate a tad spicier with Mara's and don't now mainly because Mara eats off my plate a lot.  Yes I still get yens for certain foods but again I don't think it's anything abnormal.

3. Energy-This one is a no brainer.  With Mara I didn't have to chase a toddler around so I felt a lot better a lot longer.  I think it wasn't till about week 34 that I really started to slow down.  This one I feel like I never got that second trimester boost of energy.  I have also moved with both of my pregnancies (not fun) and have had to set up a home amidst growing a human.  Exhausting.

4. The Nesting- Oh man with Mara I was a nester.  Since we moved a little into my second trimester I was in full on nest mode for the majority of my pregnancy.  I scrubbed, organized and repeated.  Moving during a pregnancy again I was a little nervous to say the least.  Thankfully I haven't really hit that crazy nesting mode this time.  Sure we got the house settled and I did go through a brief "I have to organize" phase but I feel pretty comfortable where we are now.  This may have to do with our awesome housekeeper but either way I'm thankful for not having that crazy urge.

5. The Movement-This little girl doesn't move much.  She's pretty quiet throughout the day and seems to wake up at night.  When she does move the movements are small.  I can almost picture her stretching and resettling.  She rarely gives a strong jab or kick.  Mara was all legs and elbows so it's kind of refreshing.

6. Weight Gain- Although I definitely put on more weight quicker with my second pregnancy at this point I am basically at the same point I was with Mara.  I think I'll probably hit that 35 pound mark again which is fine with me.  It was semi easy to take it off with Mara and I hope it will be the same this time around.

7. Dairy-Mara had huge problems with dairy after she was born.  I was warned by my sisters but I didn't listen.  So this time I will be going off dairy before this baby is born.  No point in going through 6 weeks of "colic" before realizing it again!

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