Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Mara-20 Months

Wears:  Right now you are in a mix of sizes.  You are wearing 18, 24 and 2T.  Most of your 18 month pants don't fit anymore so you are wearing 24 or 2T shorts instead.  Your shirts are mainly 18-24 months and the few 2T ones you have are doable but a little long.

You are still in size 3 diapers and really haven't gained any weight.

She crawled right up there

First lollipop

Health:  No major illnesses this month to report.  You did have a runny nose most of the month.  I'm not sure if it was allergies or a minor cold.

sporting Mama's shirt

Another one of Mama's tees

Says:  This month you've become a little more vocal.  You sing to yourself all the time.  I'm not sure what song you're singing but it always sounds about the same.

You have added the words "potty" and "snacks" to your vocabulary.  You also say "pee you" and hold your nose after you hear someone pass gas.

You are constantly asking, "What's that?"  You point to everything and want to know their names.  You do this even when you know what the object is.

This girl's style kills me

too cool

Favorite Foods: This month you have gotten a little more adventurous when it comes to eating.  You'll try almost anything and it gets you into trouble especially with Daddy.  He always lets you try his spicy foods.

You're really into turkey this month and are eating a ton of it.  You also like pasta, Asian flavors, potatoes, quesadillas, and raspberries.

I think you're going through a bit of a growth spurt as you are constantly asking for food.  You still sign "eat", "more" and "nursing" when you want to eat.
Sleep: You have slept through the night a few more times this month although it's not exactly a habit by any means.  You usually go to bed around 9 and get up sometime around 5.  You will still nurse a bit and then go right back to bed.  We are still doing our bedtime routine and you seem to have really caught on.

Your waking up once we lay you down has stopped.  Thankfully I was right and it was only a phase.

You still take naps on a bed rather than your crib.  We moved you into the guest room for most of the month for naps and you did awesome.  The last few days of the month we had movers and we simply pulled your crib mattress out on the floor and you took naps there.  


No worries Mom.  I'll drive

Best Moment:  One of my favorite memories of this month is when you wanted your Twinkle Twinkle Little star book read.  You went and grabbed it for Daddy.  Then you grabbed the xylophone for Mommy to play the tune.  While Daddy read and Mommy played you danced.

My little ballerina

Swinging before church

Milestones: You have to give Mommy and Daddy both kisses when you see us kiss.

You sing to yourself.

You saw Mama paint her toes one day and now want yours painted all the time.

You do puzzles.  Your favorite is a farm animal one.

You know your colors.

You held your first official tea party.  Daddy, Buddy and Mickey attended.

You finally figured out all the buttons on the pop up toy.

You know the names of the rooms of our house.

You know the difference between whispering and being loud.

You pretend play all the time especially with your food and farm set.

You blow your nose.

You put on make-up when mom does.

You know exactly what to do when we're at ballet class.

20 months!

Look at that smile

Loves To:  You love to chase buddy around.

You love to be outside and play at the playground.

You love read books about animals.  You know cows, pigs, geese, chicken, dog, cat, hippo, monkey, bee, gorilla, horse, elephant, etc.

You love test your limits.  You push back every time Mommy and Daddy say no.

You love to collect rocks and other treasures during your time outside.  You usually put these rocks in your mouth.

She was a ball of cheese this day
Favorite Toys: books, mickey mouse, toy kitchen, swing, tea set, music table, Sophia the 1st pillow

Dislikes: when you don't get your way, when we have to go inside, when you can't be picked up immediately, when mommy tells you no nursing, when you get in trouble.  

See what I mean

Goodbye old house!

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