Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My Favorite Things...continued

7. Kuku Choma

My mouth is already watering thinking about this. Yes its food and yes it does make my top 10 list of favorite things in Kenya. I'm just surprised it isn't higher up there!! Kuku choma is basically grilled chicken. Its a staple here in Kenya and you can pretty much get it at any resturant whether it be a five star place or a roadside hotelli (the Kenyan word for snack shop). I've done my fair share of kuku choma sampling since I've been here and I'd like to label myself as a semi kuku expert. Kuku choma is served with ugali which is another staple around here. Ugali is basically a white paste. Its made from ground millet which is a hybrid of the corn plant. Its white and can sometimes be sort of sticky. Kenyans usually eat it as a filler to the rest of their meal and if you indulge in this there is a certain method of eating it that you must adhear to. Ugali must be broken up into small pieces with your fingers and molded into a little ball. From there you can grab any other part of your meal to eat with it whether its vegatables or some meat. Along with the ugali, kuku choma is almost always served with katchabari or tomato salad. Now the first time I ate katchabari I was warned that I was doing so at my own risk. Its not cooked and consists of fresh tomatos, onions, lemon juice, and some salantro (in the fancy places). So yes I could have been regreting this the next day but alas my stomach of steel provailed. Thank goodness too because if there is something I can't resist its katchabari. I could just eat it as a meal.

If your mouth isn't watering by now you better check your pulse. Out of all the Kenyan foods I've had kuku choma is by far the only one I'll miss. There's something strangely satsifiying about diving into a plate of chicken and ugali with your fingers. Its not just about the food either. Going out for kuku choma has been a regular event for me and my friends here. Its about the conversations over the dinner table and Richie's insane idea of opening a kuku place back in Ireland. Its about the sky opening up and it pouring everytime we decide to sit outside and having to grab the chicken and duck for cover. Yes we ALWAYS save the chicken. Its about hitting up several kuku choma places in one night for a comparison and not being able to move the next day because we did so. Its about being able to take out your staff and share a meal one last time remembering all the great times you've had this past summer. As they say no matter where you are or go, food will always be a common denominator. It brings people together and in my case holds so many memories. I know I will attempt to prepare kuku choma back home. I know it won't be the same but at least the process of it will always bring me back here.

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